Tian-yuan zhang several people with him that unlock protection clicking opened the door and went away.

Tian-yuan zhang several people with him that unlock protection clicking opened the door and went away.

Going outside with a little rancid smell in the fresh air reminds Zhang Tianyuan of his island territory.
There are many cars parked on both sides of the street. The glass parts are smashed and the contents are turned upside down. The roof is covered with fallen leaves, dust and nightmare footprints.
The tall buildings on both sides are shadowy, but a light blows from the inside, and the wind is rotten. From time to time, you can hear the howling of the nightmare in the distance.
Zhang Tianyuan felt that he was really coming to the end at this time.
This is the real end
I’m afraid there are only a few people left.
Instructor Yin took a deep breath and said, "There is no smell of resin in the air. It seems that the end has really passed for a while."
Bai Xudao "It should be that if millions of people die quickly in a city just after the end, the smell of corpses must be all over the city. Now that they can’t smell at all, it means that the corpses are completely corrupt."
Wu Yisi added, "I don’t think it’s corruption, but it’s eaten up by those night demons …"
"Look at the excitement they just rushed over, and you will know that they are familiar with human taste."
Everyone is silent.
Shajuan immediately felt sick when she thought of the scene where tens of millions of night demons ate up thousands of corpses in a city.
She is just a picture that driving can’t stand such excitement.
Zhang Tianyuan took the hand barrel to the communication car next to him.
This car can not only ensure that Pioneer has access to personal communication, but also send out broadcast or receive line signals.
"What’s going on here? Have you received the signal?"
Zhang Tianyuan knocked on their window, and the engineer rolled the window and raised the radio in his hand.
"We turned on the equipment in the car to search for the signal, and the small radio was turned on. It should be received soon."
Even as the sound of one’s voice died away
The rustling of the radio in the hand of the communication engineer suddenly disappeared, and then a burst of rapid and powerful Chinese clicked with distortion.
"Comrades … the Central People’s Broadcasting Station … is affected by the KV virus … our nation is in danger … now we call on the lucky ones …"
The radio was so jammed that I couldn’t even hear a complete paragraph, but Zhang Tianyuan and others listened very carefully and dared not catch a breath.
It was only after the broadcast that Zhang Tianyuan looked at the drivers and said, "Ma, find out the details of this broadcast!"
After that, Zhang Tianyuan found the exploration team with her heart.
They are now preparing to explore the surrounding environment and streets.
Four wheeled robots were moved from the truck by them and were about to be put into use.
If it is Zhang Tianyuan’s time, it can directly make man-machine exploration convenient and fast.
However, "212" is still in 2008, and 3G has just begun to develop small man-machine systems, which is far from being as convenient as it is recognized.
In terms of reality, it is not as good as these wheeled robots dragging nets.
Zhang Tianyuan returned to the car and waited for the news from the communication group, and told several people about the situation.
There was a silence.
Instructor Yin took several minutes to say, "It has been confirmed that this doomsday crisis has passed for a long time. I suggest we find a place to get out of the city."
"I’m afraid there are hundreds of thousands of night demons in the city now. If they tie up, we can’t hold on."
Although there is such a big new york in the movie, it seems that there are only a few hundreds of night terrors.
That’s because the protagonist provoked a nightmare in a house, that is, a nightmare group!
At ordinary times, new york is always crying at night, scaring the protagonist to sleep in the bathtub.
The real situation is that a super-large city like new york, the imperial capital, is a natural habitat for night demons. Judging from the 9% mutation probability, tens of millions of night demons are really a big deal.
Zhang Tianyuan also agreed that after instructor Yin discussed the direction, the horse would let the team leave in one direction.
At the same time, the communication team also reported the main information obtained from the just-concluded broadcast.
At this time, there were too many dead people, and the official organizations were in a state of disintegration. They warned the characteristics and precautions of KV virus in the radio and then called on people not to stay in the city and go to the wild or go to the last lucky base.
"Where is the base?" Zhang Tianyuan asked eagerly.
"The grassland in the north, the plateau in the west and the desert …"
"But we’re not sure there’s anyone there."
Chapter 16 Lucky people who live a well-off life
Tian-yuan zhang turned to look aside to attend Bai Xu five people.
"Do you think there are still living people in the lucky base?"
The motorcade advanced slowly, and six people commanded the car to discuss.
Bai Xudao said, "The ultraviolet radiation on the plateau is strong, even if the room is waiting for the nightmare, it should be very uncomfortable. I think it should be easier for the lucky ones to live there."
Instructor Yin also analyzed that "if there is no shading nightmare in the city, there should be grassland living".
"I think so, too," thought Zhang Tianyuan. "Although there is no night magic in the desert, it is difficult for human beings to get lucky, and the probability of going there is the smallest."
Wu Yisi suggested, "We’d better find a lucky person and ask about the specific situation before deciding where to go."
The car was full of gloom.
After driving for more than an hour, Zhang Tianyuan left the city and arrived in the suburbs to find a place to stop.
The roads are clear all the way, mainly because the KV virus has developed to the end, and everyone has stayed at home and no longer goes out. Naturally, the car will not occupy the road when it is parked.
The vanguard simply set up a camp to be responsible for material management and handed out simple food one by one.
The communication team continued to monitor all broadcast signals from countries or foreign countries, and at the same time began to drum up a signal of their parallel mutual aid, calling on those who heard the news to knot with them.
The nuclear and biochemical team continued to measure the dust situation.
His team is also busy, either alert or check the state of the vehicle, and rest to maintain physical strength if it is really okay.
Zhang Tianyuan, they turned on the car lights and ate rations to replenish energy while calling all the main personnel to hold a meeting to discuss where to go next.
The whole imperial city is estimated to be 20,000 lucky people. Judging from the current situation, these people either ran away or were eaten by the nightmare.
It is unlikely that a person or a small group of people like the protagonist will live in hiding for a long time in the city.
Finally, after discussion, we unanimously decided to go to the grassland first.
Compared with plateau and desert grassland, the climate environment is more suitable for human life.
And the grassland is closest to the imperial city. Those who are lucky in the imperial city are most likely to go to the grassland.
After the arrival, Zhang Tianyuan turned to look at the material management personnel and asked, "Is it possible for our materials to go directly to the grassland?"
The material team leader shook his head. "President Zhang, I have just seen our map at that time. There is little difference in terrain between two times. Our current materials can really support us to enter the grassland."
"But" the point is that the material leader solemnly said, "After we enter the grassland, the materials are almost exhausted, and it will be difficult to replenish the grassland, whether it is gasoline or food."
Zhang Tianyuan thinks about it, too
It is also common to see no one in the grassland for dozens of kilometers.


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