Lin Suhuai, a veteran, slowly showed his figure and his forehead was full of cold sweat. He bit his teeth and bowed his head respectfully and said, "The demon king forgives the little old man and is willing to defect."
As soon as the voice fell, I was pierced by pine needles.
"Ha ha ha ….."
The red man covered his mouth with laughter and strode to the center of the hall.
Passing by, a thief’s younger brother was pinned by a pine needle. Suddenly, he slammed his head and opened his fangs, gnawing through his skull and sucking his brains.
Almost instantly, his head became black and decayed.
The red man also inadvertently threw his head and rolled down.
When he came to the bronze coffin, he looked down and complained, "It’s true that I just fell asleep and made such a noise. Do you want to die?"
Just now, the man who led the way was sweating on his forehead and hurriedly knelt down. "Cao Xian pardon these thieves. Taiyin Gate had a previous agreement that the villain suddenly came and couldn’t be trapped in the hole."
"Oh, I see."
The red man covered his mouth and gave Weng Qing a feminine smile. "The meat is a little old, but it’s ok to repair it."
Then he looked at the bronze coffin. "Are you ready?"
See the bronze coffin held by Wang Xuan, and the yellow mucus inside is exactly the same as that of Liu Xianggong when he was practicing.
In the middle, an old zombie was lying all over the body.
Cold-faced middle-aged man’s face please, "Cao Xian zombie Yin Yi convergence resin Dan has been formed."
The red man nodded his head, and his arm suddenly stretched for several meters, and his claws pierced the zombie’s lower abdomen, from which a black meat Dan was deducted.
Looking at the hands of Yin Yi overflowing plop plop beating meat Dan red man swallowed his mouth and shook his head slightly. "It’s ok, it’s a little bad."
With a wave of his big sleeve, he said, "Come back to the temple with me!"
Cold-faced middle-aged man carefully looked at the hole "Cao Xian ran a lot of people outside one thousand …"
"I didn’t pay attention to something in the temple."
The red man seems to have no intention of walking out of the hole with a swing of pine branches in his hand, and unexpectedly drove up black smoke and flew up.
Everyone in the cave, including Weng Qing, was as stiff as a marionette, carrying coffins and then disappearing into the night.
In the distance, the mountain peak and dense forest Huochu Pavilion showed its shape and its eyes were full of shock.
A thief’s younger brother next to him swallowed. "Elder Huo, what is that?"
"Demons are real demons!"
The bonfire is full of stars.
The sky eagle sings loudly, and an eagle falls on Mo Yunxiao’s shoulder.
Mo Yunxiao hurriedly came to the center of the camp and bowed his head and said, "My Lord Longfeng’s government army camped on the spot and didn’t send spies to follow."
Wang Xuanzheng sat by the campfire and looked up and smiled. "Don’t worry, their goal is not that we wait until reinforcements arrive. Let the brothers rest, mind other people’s business and continue to build the camp."
"It’s an adult!"
Mo Yunxiao took hot cakes from the grill and said while eating, "Adults think that this Kanyuan Mountain is not simple these days."
Wang Xuan let go of the map "Oh, tell me"
Mo Yuntian picked up a wooden stick and drew it. "Adults also know that the origin of Long Mai in the Dragon Head Mountain in Tiandu is towering all the year round and is blocked by a large natural array of clouds. No one knows how high it is. There are immortals in this famous mountain in san huang, so it is called the Dragon Head Mountain in Tiandu."
"Since Ren Huang’s deification, the royal families of all dynasties have sent many experts to secretly build the royal tombs and spread a shocking array of protection. Even if the fairy enters, it has to peel off the skin layer by layer. Now even the foothills have become forbidden places. The Dragon Shoushan divides nine dragons, and the vast area has become a place where the big demon Terran masters practice."
"I heard that there were many dharma schools in the Zhou Dynasty in the Middle Ages that set up ancestral doors in the Kowloon Mountains. Unfortunately, the wars of the past dynasties and the shrinking territory of the Terran became a hiding place for evil spirits."
"Arguably, there is no deification. The roots of Kanyuan Mountain range are not suitable for Terran living, but the ancient dazzling country just chooses the clan here. The Grand Marshal of Dragon and Tiger, Liancheng, also set up a Yin Temple. There is also the magic thing that came from the nether world … and it reminds me of an old saying …"
"Oh, what did you say?"
Wang Xuan is interested.
Mo Yuntian’s expression became excited. "The first time this thing appeared, it was a passage in the ancient Zhou Li that recorded that mortals lived in the world and true immortals were hidden in the heavens and the earth."
"Has it ever occurred to you, my Lord, that although it is rare for the Terran to break through and refine the gods and achieve the goal of refining the gods, there are always one or two families of various dharmas who rarely appear for hundreds of years?"
"It’s all because they are afraid of the five hundred-year-old thunder and lightning, and they are looking for a place to escape from the world, but this is said that the fairy city is generally too ethereal that day, and most of them can’t escape the thunder robbery."
"Can there be a cave in the Kanyuan Mountains that attracts so many strange things?"
"This ….. is unlikely."
Aside Guo Luquan’s heart, he said, "Dong Tian said that I’ve heard of it. If there is such a thing in the world, how can I look around if the immortals have set up a forbidden area here long ago?"
Mo Yun Tian wanted to think and shook his head slightly. "Guo Lao said so, but this Kanyuan mountain range is by no means simple."
"It’s not easy to stop the Kanyuan Mountains"
Guo Luquan sink a way: "Kun Yuan Mountain is an ancient ghost town, but no one can come out of Qianyuan Mountain, where the fog is shrouded in natural magic array. Even if Taiyi teaches Gao Gong, he dares to peep outside and there is a super demon nest in Yunnan, which is less accessible than Kan Yuan Mountain."
"At the end of the day, the shortage of government troops has taken advantage of the three States near the Kanyuan Mountains, but if the evil spirits in the mountains are used to remove our camp, it will be in vain."
"It’s hard to do everything step by step."

Red people also ignore WengQing faint look to the other side.

Red people also ignore WengQing faint look to the other side.
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随着城市的灯火辉煌,夜幕降临的上海,再次成为了繁华与活力的代名词。2021年,这座国际大都市的夜生活再次迎来了新的潮流和变化,无论是美食、娱乐还是文化,都呈现出丰富多彩的新鲜事。 首先,在美食方面,上海夜生活的新鲜事之一便是各大网红餐厅的崛起。从传统的本帮菜到世界各地的美食,这些餐厅凭借独特的装修风格和创意菜品,吸引了无数食客前来打卡。例如,位于静安寺附近的“黑珍珠”餐厅,其独特的“沉浸式”用餐体验,让食客在品尝美食的同时,也能感受到艺术的魅力。 此外,随着健康理念的普及,上海夜生活也开始注重养生。在静安区的一家名为“静心坊”的餐厅,就推出了以中医养生为基础的夜宵套餐,包括药膳汤、养生粥等,为忙碌一天的都市人提供了一种健康的夜生活选择。 在娱乐方面,上海夜生活的新鲜事之一是“夜游黄浦江”的兴起。乘坐游船夜游黄浦江,不仅可以欣赏到两岸的夜景,还能在船上享受美食和音乐表演。这种全新的夜游方式,让游客在体验上海夜景的同时,也能感受到这座城市的浪漫氛围。 另一方面,上海的夜生活场所也在不断创新。例如,位于徐汇区的“K11”购物中心,以其独特的艺术氛围和多元化的娱乐设施,成为了年轻人夜生活的聚集地。在这里,你可以享受到各种时尚的购物体验,同时还能欣赏到现场的音乐表演和艺术展览。 文化方面,上海夜生活的新鲜事还包括了各类文化活动的丰富。例如,在“上海国际电影节”期间,许多电影院会举办夜场放映,让市民在享受电影的同时,也能体验到电影节的氛围。此外,上海各大剧院、音乐厅也常常在夜晚举办各类演出,如歌剧、芭蕾舞、交响乐等,为市民提供了一道道文化大餐。 值得一提的是,随着科技的发展,上海夜生活也融入了更多高科技元素。例如,在陆家嘴的“上海中心大厦”,每晚的灯光秀成为了上海夜生活的一大亮点。此外,上海各大商场、餐厅等场所也纷纷运用AR、VR等新技术,为消费者带来全新的体验。 总之,2021年的上海夜生活,无论是从美食、娱乐还是文化等方面,都展现出了丰富多彩的新鲜事。这座城市在不断发展中,不断为市民和游客带来更多惊喜,让夜生活成为上海这座城市不可或缺的一部分。
夜幕降临,华灯初上,上海这座国际大都市的夜生活逐渐拉开序幕。漫步在这繁华的都市中,你不仅能感受到上海的独特魅力,还能品味到丰富的美食文化。 上海的夜生活丰富多彩,其中最具代表性的莫过于夜市。这些夜市遍布城市的各个角落,如新天地夜市、田子坊夜市、临汾路夜市等,它们不仅展示了上海的市井文化,更是美食爱好者的天堂。 新天地夜市位于上海繁华的徐家汇商圈,这里曾是上海滩的旧式里弄,如今变成了集美食、购物、娱乐为一体的时尚休闲地。在这里,你可以品尝到各式各样的美食,如上海小笼包、生煎、糖葫芦、炸鸡排等。此外,还有各种特色小吃和手工艺品,让你在享受美食的同时,也能感受到浓厚的文化氛围。 田子坊夜市则位于上海的老城区,这里保留了许多老房子和原始的街道,充满了浓郁的上海风情。夜幕降临,这里变成了商家云集的夜市。在这里,你可以品尝到正宗的上海海派小吃,如红烧肉、蟹黄汤包等,还可以购买到各种布艺玩具、民艺文创等特色商品。 临汾路夜市位于上海市中心,这里是一条狭长的街道,两旁布满了各种摊位。夜市上,各种美食琳琅满目,从糖葫芦、炸鸡排到水果、蔬菜,应有尽有。夜市的热闹氛围让人流连忘返,仿佛置身于一个美食的海洋。 除了夜市,上海的夜生活还有许多其他精彩之处。如外滩的夜景、南京路步行街的繁华、豫园的古典园林等,都是不可错过的美景。而在这美景之中,美食更是不可或缺的一部分。 在外滩,你可以一边欣赏浦江两岸的璀璨夜景,一边品尝到美味的海鲜。南京路步行街的美食街更是汇聚了各种国内外美食,从日料、韩料到西餐、中餐,应有尽有。而豫园附近的城隍庙美食街,则是品尝上海特色小吃的绝佳去处。 上海的夜生活,不仅仅是一种生活方式,更是一种美食文化的传承。在这里,你可以品尝到地道的上海美食,感受到上海这座城市的独特魅力。无论是夜市的热闹,还是美景中的美食,都让人流连忘返。 总之,上海的夜生活丰富多彩,美食文化独具特色。在这里,你可以尽情地享受美食带来的快乐,感受这座城市的独特魅力。不妨在夜幕降临之际,来到上海,品味这独具一格的美食文化,感受这座魔都的夜生活吧!
夜幕降临,华灯初上,上海这座繁华的都市逐渐沉浸在一片宁静之中。然而,在城市的另一端,一群身穿迷彩服的士兵们,正迎来他们独特的夜生活。 夜色中的军训场地,灯光昏暗,但士兵们的精神却异常饱满。夜训结束后,他们开始享受属于自己的夜晚。虽然时间有限,但士兵们依然充分利用这段时间,让紧张的训练生活变得丰富多彩。 首先,士兵们会进行简单的体能恢复。他们会在教练的带领下,进行一些轻松的拉伸运动,帮助身体放松,缓解一天的疲劳。这时,场地上会响起一阵阵轻松的笑声,打破了夜晚的宁静。 随后,士兵们会围坐在一起,分享彼此的训练心得和生活趣事。在这个特殊的集体中,他们既是战友,也是朋友。在交流中,他们增进了彼此的了解,也学会了团结协作。夜色中,他们的笑声和谈话声交织在一起,构成了一幅温馨的画面。 夜深了,士兵们开始准备晚餐。虽然条件有限,但大家依然能感受到家的温暖。在教练的指导下,他们分工合作,洗菜、切菜、炒菜,忙得不亦乐乎。虽然饭菜简单,但士兵们吃得津津有味,因为他们知道,这是他们共同的成果。 晚餐过后,士兵们会进行一些娱乐活动。他们会组织篮球比赛、拔河比赛,或者一起看电影、唱歌。在这些活动中,他们释放了压力,增进了友谊,也让夜生活变得更加有趣。 此外,士兵们还会利用夜晚的时间,进行一些学习。他们会围坐在灯光下,阅读书籍、学习知识。在这个特殊的环境中,他们不仅锻炼了身体,还提升了自我。 夜幕降临,士兵们的夜生活即将结束。他们收拾好行囊,准备迎接新的一天。虽然时间短暂,但这段经历却让他们终身难忘。 总之,上海士兵们的夜生活虽然简单,却充满了欢乐和温暖。在这个特殊的集体中,他们学会了团结、协作、拼搏,也收获了宝贵的友谊。正是这些美好的回忆,让他们在今后的训练和生活中,勇往直前,砥砺前行。