Gentleness, three knives and a little surprise. I made a relatively simple input method myself. Try it after you install it.
The midnight slipper originally wanted me to be a guinea pig.
Gentle three knives are faster than rockets. You deserve the input method.
Midnight crystal shoes. Okay, I believe you.
Chen Bo sent the input method installation package to Xin mailbox according to the email address given by the other party, and there was a simple installation instruction.
After about half an hour, Xin OICQ’s head flashed.
Did you really make this input method of midnight crystal shoes with three knives? After a while, I didn’t feel tired at all, and my typing speed improved significantly.
Of course I did it. How can it be fake?
Midnight crystal shoes are amazing. Thank you.
Chen Bo, the first one who made Pangu input method feedback and praise, felt a little excited. After all, it was the first one after rebirth. Who doesn’t want others to recognize their abilities?
Then Chen Bo made a statistical program embedded in the input method, and then installed the input method into the technology sharing sections of these big forums, such as Huaxia ren Network and E Speed Fox Network.
If the networked computer installs this input method, Chen Bo can receive information feedback.
In two days, the number of installed hosts has exceeded 1,000, which of course cannot be compared with the post-data. At present, the number of brains is too small, and the data released in January is only about 350,000 in China, with 90,000 netizens.
Moreover, a large proportion of companies and units have reached some office brains. After five or six years, almost everyone can have one brain. At that time, the number of netizens was not the same as that of the present.
Chen Bo is still quite satisfied with this achievement just two days ago. This is also because he didn’t take the initiative to announce and promote the results before.
Chen Bo OICQ has a friend with glasses. He met an otaku Zhang Yiming who is very keen on Internet technology in the forum, but this otaku is still studying at Yale University on the other side of the ocean.
It’s a blockbuster. I got your input method from the forum. It’s amazing. I didn’t expect the input method to do this! ! Your cow!
Gentle three knives is a prototype, not perfect. You haven’t been preparing your graduation thesis recently, so how can you surf the Internet?
It’s a blockbuster. I passed my defense, man. Now I’m a serious Ivy League bachelor.
Gentle three knives, ready to stay there and make a beautiful knife?
I want to go back, but my tutor wants me to stay. I haven’t thought about it yet.
Although they have a time difference of more than ten hours, they often chat online late at night. He is a computer major with the ability to write programs. Naturally, it is difficult for Chen Bo to catch up with flattery. However, Chen Bo’s foresight and years of experience also make him a foreign student.
Why don’t you come back? I have a big plan to make history together!
Although Chen Bo has never met him, he appreciates his skills. If possible, he naturally hopes to win over people to achieve a career together. Chen Bo now promises to draw a pie hook for all the materials without money and resources.
A blockbuster. What’s the plan? Come on, tell me.
I’ll tell you when you come back.
Chen Bo deliberately sold a reply and immediately put the OICQ line in some mystery, otherwise how can he catch a big fish?
Chapter V Not everyone can enter
Chen Bo was awakened early in the morning by the Hakka dialect. According to the guest address that sounded like Zhiling’s sister, he came to the door of a high-end residential community called "Dijingyuan".
"What are you doing?" The security guard at the door stopped Chen Bo, who was about to move in. If the man was not still wearing a gray suit, he would still be a Shaolin brother. Chen Bo’s eardrums hurt.
"To repair the brain" Chen Bo smiled and handed over a business card.
"You can’t barge in. I didn’t see this sign." The security guard pointed to a small iron sign standing behind him with the words "Visitors are registered in." "We are a high-end community, and many foreign guests live here, okay?"
The young security guard’s nose turned to the sky and his face was proud as if this were his house.
"Don’t you look at this place where anyone can enter?"
Yan Hao sees that the imp is difficult, and Chen Bo’s pie pie is unwilling to argue with him. He quickly took out a pack of Yangcheng Double Happiness from his bag and stuffed it into the small security guard while accompanying him.
The little security guard said that he didn’t want to be healthy, but he was still honest and reluctantly accepted the cigarette and stuffed it neatly into his trouser pocket. This technique is better than that of a street magician
Only then can the stall register and ask the floor room number clearly, write the entry time, phase reason and floor room number, and let Chen Bo sign before allowing the release.
According to his usual temper, Chen Bo has to argue with him. Since he was born again, his temper has been softer. It’s all small people at the bottom of society. It’s not worth arguing. Even if you win, if you take it too seriously, you lose.
When he first entered the society, he also worked as a security guard for a while, and he could understand some industries. Most people were mediocre and muddled along, but he was such a group of people without dreams and felt a little sad.
Chen Bomen is a mature woman with short hair, about 3 years old, chiffon black dress, bulging chest, slender legs, very symmetrical, intellectual and temperament, which is the season when women are ripe.
The beautiful young woman holds out a note, and Chen Bo takes a look at the latest hinkpad 2 business note this year, and it is still a beautiful machine.
At present, the merger has not been put on sale in China, even if it is put on sale in China, the price is not affordable for ordinary people. If I remember correctly, the price is around 15.
Chen Bofang’s toolkit is skillfully checked. Well, there is no problem with the machine and the hardware worker is normal. It is a small problem that Windws can’t get in.
This manufacturer has been pre-installed in the factory with orthodox one-button recovery, and the performance of the blue giant device can’t be said. 2 is also quite classic. From the quality point of view, it is definitely Nokia in the brain.
Pre-installation system and orthodox initial installation are the same principle, but one depends on the CD-ROM drive and the other on the hard disk for self-startup, decompression and recovery. Compared with the installation method, it takes a long time to get rid of the stolen system with one key Ghs in a few minutes.
The beautiful young woman gently twisted her waist and walked to the front of the three-door refrigerator in the corner of the living room. She enthusiastically asked Chen Bo, "What would you like to drink?"
"Do you have Jianlibao?" Chen Bo was also rude.
Took the beautiful young woman and handed me the gray canned drink, and slammed the carbon dioxide out of the can and poured it into the throat. It was cool and cool, and I didn’t taste it for many years.
A beautiful woman with a can of Jianlibao hands feels really beautiful.
"What’s wrong with this brain?" Beautiful young woman sat staring at Windws system to restore the interface and asked curiously.
"It’s good to recover once the operation system fails, but it will be K in about an hour."
"That’s great, otherwise I won’t be able to work. Thank you," said the beautiful young woman with a unique accent of Bay Bay, holding her hands in the choppy chest to make a prayer, which led Chen Bo to swallow a mouthful of saliva quietly.
"My ancestral home grew up in the American Chinese area in southern Fujian," Jane, a beautiful young woman, briefly explained, "Ah, you can call me Li Zhaojun or call me Li Zhaojun in Chinese."
"My name is Chen Bo." Chen Bo took out his business card from his pocket and handed it to him, adding, "Ear East Chen Bohai Bo."
Because of the homophonic name, Chen Bo has encountered some embarrassing things to avoid misunderstanding, and Chen Bo will always explain clearly.
"But I don’t have an English name. If I have to, I can make one up now."
Li Zhaojun laughed. "You are quite humorous, but I really want to know what English name you can make up?"
Chen Bo scratched his head and thought, "Vinen, I like that English song very much, but I prefer your Chinese name."
"Vinen is a good name. It’s interesting in Latin!" Li Zhaojun smiled and pondered.

Midnight crystal shoes? It can’t be a virus, can it

Midnight crystal shoes? It can’t be a virus, can it
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夜幕降临,华灯初上,上海这座国际大都市的夜生活逐渐拉开序幕。漫步在这繁华的都市中,你不仅能感受到上海的独特魅力,还能品味到丰富的美食文化。 上海的夜生活丰富多彩,其中最具代表性的莫过于夜市。这些夜市遍布城市的各个角落,如新天地夜市、田子坊夜市、临汾路夜市等,它们不仅展示了上海的市井文化,更是美食爱好者的天堂。 新天地夜市位于上海繁华的徐家汇商圈,这里曾是上海滩的旧式里弄,如今变成了集美食、购物、娱乐为一体的时尚休闲地。在这里,你可以品尝到各式各样的美食,如上海小笼包、生煎、糖葫芦、炸鸡排等。此外,还有各种特色小吃和手工艺品,让你在享受美食的同时,也能感受到浓厚的文化氛围。 田子坊夜市则位于上海的老城区,这里保留了许多老房子和原始的街道,充满了浓郁的上海风情。夜幕降临,这里变成了商家云集的夜市。在这里,你可以品尝到正宗的上海海派小吃,如红烧肉、蟹黄汤包等,还可以购买到各种布艺玩具、民艺文创等特色商品。 临汾路夜市位于上海市中心,这里是一条狭长的街道,两旁布满了各种摊位。夜市上,各种美食琳琅满目,从糖葫芦、炸鸡排到水果、蔬菜,应有尽有。夜市的热闹氛围让人流连忘返,仿佛置身于一个美食的海洋。 除了夜市,上海的夜生活还有许多其他精彩之处。如外滩的夜景、南京路步行街的繁华、豫园的古典园林等,都是不可错过的美景。而在这美景之中,美食更是不可或缺的一部分。 在外滩,你可以一边欣赏浦江两岸的璀璨夜景,一边品尝到美味的海鲜。南京路步行街的美食街更是汇聚了各种国内外美食,从日料、韩料到西餐、中餐,应有尽有。而豫园附近的城隍庙美食街,则是品尝上海特色小吃的绝佳去处。 上海的夜生活,不仅仅是一种生活方式,更是一种美食文化的传承。在这里,你可以品尝到地道的上海美食,感受到上海这座城市的独特魅力。无论是夜市的热闹,还是美景中的美食,都让人流连忘返。 总之,上海的夜生活丰富多彩,美食文化独具特色。在这里,你可以尽情地享受美食带来的快乐,感受这座城市的独特魅力。不妨在夜幕降临之际,来到上海,品味这独具一格的美食文化,感受这座魔都的夜生活吧!
夜幕降临,华灯初上,上海这座繁华的都市逐渐沉浸在一片宁静之中。然而,在城市的另一端,一群身穿迷彩服的士兵们,正迎来他们独特的夜生活。 夜色中的军训场地,灯光昏暗,但士兵们的精神却异常饱满。夜训结束后,他们开始享受属于自己的夜晚。虽然时间有限,但士兵们依然充分利用这段时间,让紧张的训练生活变得丰富多彩。 首先,士兵们会进行简单的体能恢复。他们会在教练的带领下,进行一些轻松的拉伸运动,帮助身体放松,缓解一天的疲劳。这时,场地上会响起一阵阵轻松的笑声,打破了夜晚的宁静。 随后,士兵们会围坐在一起,分享彼此的训练心得和生活趣事。在这个特殊的集体中,他们既是战友,也是朋友。在交流中,他们增进了彼此的了解,也学会了团结协作。夜色中,他们的笑声和谈话声交织在一起,构成了一幅温馨的画面。 夜深了,士兵们开始准备晚餐。虽然条件有限,但大家依然能感受到家的温暖。在教练的指导下,他们分工合作,洗菜、切菜、炒菜,忙得不亦乐乎。虽然饭菜简单,但士兵们吃得津津有味,因为他们知道,这是他们共同的成果。 晚餐过后,士兵们会进行一些娱乐活动。他们会组织篮球比赛、拔河比赛,或者一起看电影、唱歌。在这些活动中,他们释放了压力,增进了友谊,也让夜生活变得更加有趣。 此外,士兵们还会利用夜晚的时间,进行一些学习。他们会围坐在灯光下,阅读书籍、学习知识。在这个特殊的环境中,他们不仅锻炼了身体,还提升了自我。 夜幕降临,士兵们的夜生活即将结束。他们收拾好行囊,准备迎接新的一天。虽然时间短暂,但这段经历却让他们终身难忘。 总之,上海士兵们的夜生活虽然简单,却充满了欢乐和温暖。在这个特殊的集体中,他们学会了团结、协作、拼搏,也收获了宝贵的友谊。正是这些美好的回忆,让他们在今后的训练和生活中,勇往直前,砥砺前行。