He’s still the father’s religion. He found their trail and caught it. Fortunately, it’s not.

He’s still the father’s religion. He found their trail and caught it. Fortunately, it’s not.

It’s wonderful to say that Norman is now a saint of the Father’s Religion. It is reasonable to say that once he returns to the Father’s Religion, the benefits are definitely more than that in the Father’s Religion. He can cover the past without paying attention to the story of his soul returning to the Father.
However, Norman just didn’t want to break up with his father’s religion, because he found that he and his father’s religion were really guilty, and then he was mixed up with his father’s religion. He still wondered how miserable it would be. After all, the situation in the kingdom is very changeable. The commander of the Durham Freedom Army has said that all the father’s religions are hard to protect themselves. Norman didn’t want to be taken as a banner by his father’s religion and they went to die.
This saint can never really be.
Once it was known that Chen Qinghe’s strangeness was not due to his father’s religion, Norman was relieved, and then strolled around with Abel four miles, inquiring about whether there were any masters in building in the city and asking all the way. After that, he also successfully asked for the information he wanted.
Delvik Bruto, a builder with the highest frequency in the road population, lives in the south of Jebel Dana. He may be the person the Knights Templar is looking for.
Norman and Abel hurried to the south of the city, asked a passerby and finally found the builder’s residence.
This is a two-story stone building, the whole body is made of square stones of half a person’s size, and the style is very rough. The back of the building is backed by an island, and the river is connected with the building, and an extra section of stones is built.
Compared with most buildings Norman saw along the way, this room is big, and so is the neighborhood. It can be seen from the area of the room that although they are artists, the level of people here, such as those on the island, is higher, and the people here are much more special
"blare blare blare"
"Dozer is going to the Devil’s Island in a big ship from the port of Yervi …"
"Two gentlemen, please excuse me. You are blocking my object …"
The nearby streets are full of people, so it’s called a packed street artist, and there are three more steps and five steps to do everything. Norman has experienced the scene, and the lively degree is second only to the first area opened to all people on the day of the entrance examination of Cardenas Church School.
There’s a small yard in front of Dervik’s house, but it is.
Norman, relying on his super-strong body like a bulldozer, forcefully pushed his way through the crowd into the small courtyard, causing resentment around him. However, the quality of these artists is good, and few Norman listened to it and tickled himself.
After squeezing into the small yard, Norman was going to knock on the door to visit, but he saw a man by the door open his mouth and asked him, "Who are you?" What are you doing here? "
Norman saw him as a man in his forties.
Is this Dervik or the Dervik family? Norman didn’t know, but he didn’t dare to neglect his words. After all, he wanted something from others. He replied obediently, "My name is Allen, and I have something to ask Mr. Delvik here."
The man’s face was calm before, and he was a little timid. As soon as he heard Norman’s words, his face changed, and he let go and yelled, "Get in line at the back!" Said to Norman side a finger.
Norman didn’t notice at the door of Dervik’s house until he looked at it. These people were not disorderly, but lined up in a queue. However, because there were too many people in this street, he didn’t see it at the moment because the queue was crooked and mixed with the crowd.
Norman wanted to reach out and pay some money to bribe the doorman, but as soon as he reached into his arms, he remembered that Chen Qinghe had just given himself five rubies, but he had no money, so he could take out his hand again.
"Line up!"
"Don’t be silly here!"
"Go to the back!" ……
Among these artists, no matter their social status or artistic status, the bard is the most resistant to that stage. If an individual can tell two stories, he can call himself a bard. As soon as he heard that Norman was a bard, these people who dared to express their anger and dared not speak in line immediately came and shouted.
Norman couldn’t run to the line and finally lined up.
However, although the team looked very long, it lined up quickly. Those people who went in front were full of ambitions, but they all came out dejectedly without two sentences. The speed was very fast, and it didn’t take long for Kung Fu to go to Norman.
Chapter two hundred and thirty Delvik
After entering Dervik’s home, you can see that this is a very distinctive room.
It is more appropriate to say that this is a blacksmith’s shop than a resident’s residence.
A short journey through the door to the living room shows that all kinds of large ore raw materials are piled up on both sides. These raw materials are almost the size of a normal person’s bust, and they are piled up like a human head. It seems that there is no place to put them, just like people need to carefully raise their legs and walk to avoid these things when they pass by.
So I walked down the aisle and came to the living room, and I found that the living room was a special look.
This is a blacksmith’s shop.
There is a big stove in the center of the living room, next to which are bellows and iron piers, and some building tools are placed against these things.
Except for some dyes piled up in a corner, all kinds of semi-metallic blocks, large or small, are piled up in other places, so most of the room is filled with all kinds of light.
This atmosphere is a short, chubby guy with very strong limbs sitting by the fire with a tall, strong man behind him.
The man sitting here should be Dervik.
This should be Dervik, a stout man who looks about forty years old, with a juryman and a brown face. He looks very rough and arrogant, and his mouth is full of enthusiasm, so he can’t even see his mouth clearly.
Judging from his face and surrounding layout, this stout man is more suitable for the kind of short-sleeved shirt that opens his chest while the iron is hot, but it may be because of the art festival that he is wearing a very serious custom-made gift to wrap him up, which proves that it is not like wearing a dragon robe.
And then Norman knew what the people in front of him left so fast.
Norman and the stout first introduced themselves. This man is really Dervik. Then Norman told him his purpose, hoping to ask him to help find some materials.
"… as I said just now, I want to find some materials like that, so I hope I can get your help."
Norman told Lancelot the characteristics of the materials he needed, and briefly said two points to show his purpose.
The Knights Templar, their world is not indispensable, and their information about all kinds of mineral materials in Augustus United Kingdom is far from enough.
The Knights Templar know what kind of materials they need, but they don’t know whether the world has the kind of materials they need, and they don’t know what the world is called. That’s why Norman needs help from Delvik, a craftsman, because these people are often very proficient in materials science. Only when they describe the characteristics of materials can they find the corresponding materials accurately.
But as soon as Norman finally finished talking about his purpose, Delvik, sitting opposite him, immediately refused "I’m sorry I’m too busy to help you."
Look at Delvik, Norman doubted whether he listened to what he just said, so Norman repeated what he just said again, this time with a reward temptation.
"Of course, I won’t let you work in vain, and I will pay you a satisfactory reward."
Said Norman Chen Qinghe just took out the five rubies from his arms and spread out his palm to show Delvik.
"If you can help me, then the five gold talan gems will be yours."
The reward for five Quintanas is not high. Delvik looked at Norman’s palm and grinned.
"Two hundred years ago, these fire diamonds might have been worth five gold talons, but when the Kanweis volcano erupted, the price of fire diamonds plummeted. This guest, these fire diamonds in your hand can be worth at most 15 gold talons now. Let’s get out of here with your fire diamonds."
Norman was a stiff.
Delvik’s details are so full that it doesn’t look like he’s cheating him. These things are worth 15 gold talans? Is Chen Qinghe deliberately fooling him or is it because he hasn’t done business with humans for so long that he doesn’t even know the price of things? But no matter what you think, 15 gold talans are not an attractive number for a craftsman who lives in a city where even many nobles can settle down.
Of course, Delvik can see the details of these rubies at a glance, give names, and even tell historical prices and reasons for changes, which proves that he is indeed a master of materials.
The man behind Delvik walked to Norman and made a gesture to let them leave.
Obviously, Delvik doesn’t want to say anything to Norman and the two of them. Before the reunion, those people left quickly. It can be seen that the builder seems to be impatient to communicate with these placers and can’t wait to get rid of them, but he doesn’t know why he just closed the door. Maybe it’s because there are rules in the city?
Norman didn’t know that he knew he could now turn around and get ready to leave.
Money can’t tempt him, and he also thought about force.
Although the big guy in front of him looks strong, he can’t compare with him. Moreover, Norman is now speaking at the level of force. He is full of confidence in making this big guy, and he feels that it is easy to do it even if he doesn’t use magic, but he can’t do it. After all, this is a city and there are so many people outside. It would be too stupid for him to really do it.
Can you leave the outside first and think about whether there is any other way? If you can’t, you can come in the middle of the night and see if you can smuggle all the builders away.
It was a moment when Norman had made up his mind.
But Delvik suddenly came from behind.
Norman heart movement and Abel slowly turned around to look at Delvik.
Then the people who drove them away turned to look at Delvik in a daze.
Then the three of them saw Delvik’s eyes focused on Abel instead of Norman.
Specifically, focus on Abel’s neck
Chapter two hundred and thirty-nine Open refining
Vinoman followed Delvik’s eyes to Abel’s neck and saw a gray round wood chip hanging from the end of a dusty chain.
"I wonder what this gentleman’s name is?"
Delvik turned his eyes from the unremarkable necklace to Abel’s face, so he asked, staring at Abel’s face unblinkingly, as if he had seen some rare animal, and his expression was quite excited.
Abel paused and then replied, "Tom? Kim "is his pseudonym.
After hearing this name, Delvik was dazed. It seemed that Abel’s name was unexpected. Then he thought thoughtfully, "It turned out to be Mr. Tom …" He stretched his tail and suddenly turned to the big one and said, "Jason, go out and tell the outsiders that I can’t see guests today."
Big Jason smell speech one leng. "But the urban services department …" Words haven’t finished yet was truncated by Delvik.
"I know you go."


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