It’s just wave fire!
He really wants to know who the commander of this small fleet is now … This matter may not be the commander’s intention, but the commander must learn to be flexible before resolutely completing it instead of clinging to the level order.
As expected, the super gunboat did not rush to the enemy, but flew to the earth at a slightly slower speed than the foreign fleet. The distance between the two sides kept shrinking, and the actual distance was reduced to 75 thousand kilometers in a short time.
Five super gunboats burst again and volleyed twice
The result was the same as before, and no enemy ship was hurt.
Yip hon was interested. If he didn’t guess wrong, these warships had to wait until 30,000 kilometers to gain something, and they were the most optimistic. It would be nice if they were pessimistic and could destroy their ships by 15,000 kilometers.
However, Yip hon is still a little optimistic. When the distance between the enemy and the enemy is 20,000 kilometers, the super gunboat still shows no signs of destroying their ships, and can’t even hurt them!
Yip hon, this is a bit restless. Did aliens find a way to deal with super gunboats? It’s not that hanging, is it?
Those five super gunboats collapsed more than Yip Han. That’s a volley like five guns! 20 thousand kilometers can’t destroy enemy ships. Why do you need super gunboats?
At this point, the super gunboat simply doesn’t recycle its wings, so it keeps aiming at the enemy ships and fires every once in a while.
Every time the distance between the two sides will be shortened by 1000 kilometers.
Yip hon’s heart is still full of hope. The closer the distance, the more the laser will hit. Don’t look at the enemy ship 20 thousand kilometers away. It’s nothing, but it’s definitely not that simple to break into 10 thousand kilometers
Shih Yeh-han doesn’t know whether his judgment is accurate or not, but based on his understanding of laser weapons and his observation of 10 thousand kilometers of foreign fleet, this guess is relatively reliable.
Nineteen thousand kilometers … No effect; Ten thousand kilometers … Still no good; 17 thousand kilometers is nothing; Sixteen thousand kilometers … Five super gunboats have hit an enemy ship, but that enemy ship is still no problem!
Chapter 152 Soft rib
Yip hon whole person is not good, but after the shelling, he suddenly felt something was wrong.
Take a closer look at the front of the enemy ship that was just hit by a laser, which is a little smaller than his enemy ship, but there is nothing unusual in the tail.
Look at his enemy ships, it seems that there are some size problems, and all enemy ships with the wrong size have been hit by lasers.
Yip hon suddenly realized that it wasn’t that the laser didn’t work, but that the aliens really found a way to deal with the laser!
That’s too bad. You’re going to use the super gunboat as a killer. What the hell is this?
The five super gunboats were not eager to leave because of the failure of temptation, but continued to fire patiently until the distance between the two sides narrowed to 12 thousand kilometers, and the fleet volley finally destroyed an enemy ship
The immediate acceleration of the super gunboat will level off slightly slower than the enemy’s speed.
When the warship needs to accelerate, the distance between the enemy and the enemy is a little closer. When the speed is equal, the distance between the two sides remains about 10 thousand kilometers
In this process, the super gunboat didn’t break the fire. At first, it was five volleys or shooting at a target at the same time, then four and three ships finally developed into a single fire.
This is obviously a step-by-step test of the power of the super gunboat. Yip Han can’t help but think that if he knows that the super gunboat is so weak, will he be as depressed as himself?
Yip hon, of course, won’t know that the atmosphere in North Moon Island was still very dignified just now, but it was much easier immediately after the super gunboat destroyed their ships.
12 thousand kilometers is a little near, but it is always more than 10 thousand kilometers, which is much farther than the thin light.
In other words, even if humans have put together all the capital ships, they can still fly kites in super gunboats. Isn’t that good news?
There is also the super cannon on the moon, and the super gunboat will be able to destroy enemy ships in 10 thousand kilometers. The super cannon on the moon and those bases with super cannons will certainly be able to destroy enemy ships in a longer distance. Isn’t that good news?
Many people regret it very much, because the Coalition command is not monolithic, and some people always hope that the fleet can take the initiative to defend the enemy from the outside.
They think that the strength of the foreign fleet is too strong, even if the enemy is close to the earth, it means great danger
This truth is not profound, and many people know it. The problem is that human strength is too weak. All the warships together are less than 300, of which the capital ships account for more than half and the super gunboats are less than 100.
According to the experience of the expedition fleet, the confrontation between the capital ship and the enemy does not take much advantage. The result of the attack is likely to be that the capital ship army is wiped out. Can the super gunboats keep the earth?
It’s not the same to put the enemy close, not only to wait for the fleet, but also to give the fleet some support from the moon and even the earth. The firepower intensity is completely different
The mainstream view that the enemy’s approach brings risks is that the risk is tolerable. Do you believe it? The landing of aliens on the earth has indeed brought endless troubles to mankind. However, since a group of aliens have landed on the earth and then landed on another group, it is not unacceptable. It is much better than killing the human fleet first, then killing the remaining human armed forces and finally completely destroying mankind.
This idea is very conservative, but it must be said that conservatism also makes sense. In most cases, conservatism is not the best choice, but at least it is not a bad choice, while radicalism often represents accidents and uncontrollable accidents.
Who dares to fool around when it comes to human life and death
However, conservatives are not really so rigid, so super gunboats take the initiative to test this scene.
The super gunboat didn’t leave in a hurry, but continued to fire at the enemy. This is not to destroy the enemy ship, but to attract the attention of the enemy ship. It is best to attract the enemy to the direction of the moon, gradually kill the enemy’s effective strength with the help of the moon, and keep the battlefield as far away from the earth as possible.
Yip hon is going to wake up two days ago, just wait for two days to inject the earth’s situation, but I didn’t expect to meet such a thing just after waking up, and I won’t continue to wait for the situation of the super gunboat directly.
The foreign fleet has been moving forward in silence without fire, which makes the super gunboats in front feel some pressure. They are constantly trying to kill more enemy ships by fire.
The enemy is powerful, even if one more ship is killed.

Yip hon look straight pie mouth is the moon that a few super gun array also don’t have such a long range super gunboats no matter how severe it is, it can’t be stronger than the super gun array. There is no need to test it from this distance.

Yip hon look straight pie mouth is the moon that a few super gun array also don’t have such a long range super gunboats no matter how severe it is, it can’t be stronger than the super gun array. There is no need to test it from this distance.
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