Sima Jun, who has always prided himself on being superior, has become a master of metempsychosis at most, that is, he has the same status as his father, and those who have lost their lives are arrogant if they don’t make moves.

Sima Jun, who has always prided himself on being superior, has become a master of metempsychosis at most, that is, he has the same status as his father, and those who have lost their lives are arrogant if they don’t make moves.

And if you can take Ning Wu, it is possible for Ning Wu to pull himself into a high-level master if he is willing to do so.
Everything is just like a static spurt. It is only a moment that Sima Jun’s mentality has made a 100-degree turn.
"After the notice is returned to you, you need to come with me now! The first visit is a one-way trip. If you want to go back, you have to wait a few days for the visit to be completed. Although you may come when you enter the school, you can go to my house to open the Crystal Palace for one night and then report it, "said Sima Jun, looking at the sky.
If you don’t know that Ning Wu has a talent for creation, Sima Jun will not hesitate to throw them here and come back to Wu Tian the next day.
Wu Tian four people followed Sima Jun along the road, which is strange to say. This road is like crystal and the ground around it is like this except for two parallel gold wires.
When Wu Tian wants to deviate from the road, that is, from the place in the two golden lines, he will be bounced back by an inexplicable force to test the dominant power, but because the dominant power was swallowed up a little and never came back, Wu Tian did not intend to explore again.
"Sima" Ning Wu shouted a Sima who wanted to call the all-around handsome eldest brother, but felt a little abrupt. He wanted to call but dared not call it at the moment, but he didn’t know what to call Sima Jun.
"oh! I’m 213 years old, so please call me Brother Sima. "Sima Jun Wu Ning Wu found out at the first moment when he was puzzled, so he was eager to talk to Ning Wu when Ning Wu didn’t know anything.
Early suppress uncomfortable Ning Wu asked "Sima eldest brother what place is here! Isn’t it Genesis College? How come I can’t see the Genesis College! "
"Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, you will know." Sima Jun smiled heartily for a moment as Sima Jun’s voice fell to the ground, and Wu Tian and Sima Jun appeared in a color channel.
However, this color channel only took a moment, and a crowded street appeared in a moment.
"This is the real Creation Institute. It will give it to you specially after it has just arrived at the Wanjie Channel and built a delivery channel."
Sima Jun’s dancing was very exciting. At this time, a voice made Sima Junmei come over. "Sima Chou, get out of here and get in the way. What do you want to do?"
Wu day four people smell speech to sound source suddenly four people with black lines.
The reason why several people in Wu day are full of black lines is that the other person is a dinosaur. It’s ugly if it’s not ugly. No, it should be said that the other race is dinosaurs.
I’m covered in green leather, and I’m dragging a tail at the top corner of my head. The spines of the living are jagged, and my teeth are yellow and dripping. This saliva is ugly.
When Sima Jun was called ugly by dinosaurs, his anger came, and he immediately scolded the other party. "Ugly monster, you dare to say that I have always been a member of catalpa dragon. Go and see if you are the ugliest and you idiot have forgotten that Chuangshi College must become a congenital Taoist body or you will be fined."
"Idiot, look at what this is and come back to the old lady bb" said the dinosaur, pointing to a small piece on his head with a pointed claw.
"Fuck" Sima Jun took a look at the small piece of paper and scolded him. He didn’t expect this bitch to go to the third place to condense the stars. Because of special circumstances, Sima Jun just threatened to become an idiot
"Brother Sima, what is your enemy with her! She didn’t come to block us with such a wide road. "
Chapter 147 is getting more and more complicated.
"She wanted to marry me, but I refused because she was ugly, and then she kept doing this. Every time she saw me, she told me that I was ugly," Sima Jun said seriously
"oh! So that’s it. "Ning Wu looked at Sima Jun’s figure and then at the dinosaur sister’s figure, which was at least Godzilla’s level. His face was flushed. This was an effort to hold back his laughter.
Because Sima Jun was stopped by dinosaur sister, the people around him were surrounded by three floors inside and three floors outside.
A small dinosaur said to others in his body, "Look at Sima Jun and Zhou Mengdie, our princess of Zilong. This is starting to open again. Why can’t you tell me that Princess Zhou Mengdie is so beautiful that Sima Jun can’t see it!"
The little dinosaur shook his head again as he said it, and he looked puzzled. Everyone else was speechless.
"Sima Chou dared to go to the ring duel with me today, and the loser promised the winner a condition." So did the dinosaur sister Zhou Mengdie, who was like a thunderbolt. I don’t know if it was because of her size or because she might be yelling.
"Now get out of the way. I’m an executive college, so you’ll be fined if you stop. Get out of the way quickly."
"Hum! Sima Jun, you wait. "After Sima Jun fined for the second time, the dinosaur sister was a little angry but got out of the way.
"Scattered! Scattered! " The onlookers dispersed in a hubbub, and the blocked streets suddenly turned back to the previous crowd.
Wu Tian feels very strange about this. Why is this dinosaur sister so scared when she hears the fine?
Curious to see the younger sister let go for a while after Wu Tian asked Sima Jun, "What is this fine? What makes him feel scared! "
"Is this your servant?" After Sima Jun turned to look at Wu Day, he pointed to Wu Day and asked Ning Wu.
"This is my eldest brother, this is my second brother, and this is my eldest brother’s friend." Ning Wu pointed to Wu Tianhuang and introduced it to Gang Shou one by one.
"oh! I see. Hello, big brother! Sorry just now! Mistaken your identity for a while to the crystal palace casually point out the younger brother I package "SiMaJun took wu day hand said to look very owe to play.
Brother, this fine is not a big deal for you, but it is a big deal for us!
People who want to violate the rules of Genesis College once will be fined a certain amount of coins.
According to my strength in the second territory, I will be fined 10,000 Shen coins, while the Zhou Mengdie realm of the catalpa dragon will be fined 100 million. According to the second territory, I can refine Shen coins without eating, drinking or resting for one year, and it will take 10 million years to refine the world.
You have to know that this 10 thousand coin can buy a slave in the fourth territory, and my father is only in the fourth territory, even in the fourth territory, he can refine one coin every year
For example, Zhou Mengdie is going to pay 100 million yuan, and it is estimated that the Catalpa Dragon clan will lose everything when the money is given to them.
"That this punishment seems a bit cruel! Is it that there is no punishment warning after killing people at once? " Ning Wu, who is still in a harmonious world outlook, is very puzzled and asked.
SiMaJun sneer at a then a face of fanaticism said
"That’s right, when the dean made the rules, it was like this. The rules of Xiang Chuangshi College can’t be challenged. Challengers are bound to face severe punishment, like losing everything. It seems that if there is rebellion in the general world, they will be directly wiped out by the Ministry and refined into magic coins. This idea is what the strong should have and it is my lifelong pursuit."
Wu Ning didn’t think white, but she didn’t ask anything. She seemed a little depressed all the way.
Wu Tian patted Ning Wu on the shoulder, and Ning Wu turned to look at himself and gave him an encouraging look. All these actions have a comforting meaning.
But Ning Wu’s mood was still not high until Sima Jun said, "Here we are."


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