Zhang Xiaohuai breathed a sigh of relief and asked, "Where has the 26th Division arrived now?"

Zhang Xiaohuai breathed a sigh of relief and asked, "Where has the 26th Division arrived now?"

Standing aside is the chief of staff, Zhang Chunping Zhang Chunping, who replied, "There are still three hundred kilometers away from our position now. According to their marching speed, they can reach lang son for two and a half days at most!
Zhang Xiaohuai nodded and asked, "Chunping, how do you think we should fight when we get a fight?"
Zhang Chunping smiled and replied, "Commander, I think we might as well stay out of the way …"
Zhang Xiaohuai saw Zhang Chunping one eye and laughed. He knew Zhang Chunping’s mind too well. Both of them were determined and then moved to get along with each other for a long time. The tacit understanding was abnormal. This was to lure the enemy in-depth and show the enemy’s weakness!
Chapter one thousand three hundred and thirteen wronged
Zhang Chunping Zhang Xiaohuai’s thoughts coincide with each other’s thoughts. They all want to lure the enemy deep and then carry out a war of annihilation.
But this war of annihilation is not so easy to fight. After all, France has three divisions and three divisions. The firepower of the French army is not comparable to that of the Qing army or Japan. It is not so easy to fight a war of annihilation.
Zhang Xiaohuai asked, "How to fight? It’s a bit difficult to gather fighters, but our troops don’t have obvious advantages. If we break them one by one, it’s afraid it’s also difficult. Vietnam’s terrain is narrow, and it’s not so easy to get around and help, so it’s easy to be discovered by the enemy. "
Zhang Chunping replied with a smile, "Commander, are you testing me? Now, although our army is not strong enough, we still have planes to help us, and tanks can quickly shift the direction of attack. These two powerful factors make it possible to fight a mass annihilation battle even if our French army is similar in strength. Even if it can’t be wiped out in one fell swoop, it will definitely weaken the French army and at least lose its ability to fight again. It depends on our mood!"
Zhang Xiaohuai nodded and said, "In that case, where can we fight a mass annihilation war?"
Zhang Chunping replied, "It’s very simple. Mount Tie Liang used to be a French position. They are most familiar with that area and won’t want to ambush us!"
Zhang Xiaohuai laughed. "Well, Tieliangshan ordered the 26th Division to rush to Tie Liang Mountain! Order Yuri to give me a hard time falling into Fengling for two days and not to take a step back! At the same time, the army is not allowed to advance! "
Wait until Jolie received an order to detain some dumbfounded. What’s the order? Don’t retreat and repel the French army. You can’t attack! How the hell can we fight this? About to want to immediately into the attack!
But there is no way in the military order to secretly hold your breath and tell the Jewish division to prepare for the war.
However, the 33rd Division of the French army across the street did not dare to attack Curie rashly, but it has already told the main generals about the course of the war. With its strong fortifications, the 154th Brigade was unable to resist the Jewish division’s attack for two days and two nights, and it was only two days and one night that it was defeated and almost made dumplings. This shows that the Jewish division’s fighting capacity is strong.
The teacher Luxor is also afraid to win now. It’s good to say that if this is defeated, it will be a loss of adults. If it is lost, it is better to wait for the river reinforcements to arrive and attack together. If the 25 th Division of Laos can also arrive in time, it is the best ending to eat the Jewish division one by one.
But Luxor forgot that the French army would send more troops. Wouldn’t the Chinese Revolutionary Army send more troops?
Now both sides are in a state of intensive deployment!
By the afternoon of the next day, the French reinforcements finally arrived at the 34 th division commander Rodley saw Luxor and asked, "General Luxor, what is the current war?"
Cook told Rodley a simple story about a love affair. Rodley frowned and said, "General Luxor, don’t you think too highly of the Chinese revolutionary army? The strength of the French army can’t even fight the Chinese revolutionary army? I know that the most elite units of the Chinese Revolutionary Army are the first regiment, which is their second-line unit. Jews form Jewish divisions. Will you be the most elite? Bullshit. Do we have to equip the colonial army with standard equipment and training? I don’t think they are that good, even if they are, so what? Now we have two divisions, and we are afraid that the 35 th division will arrive at us at noon at the latest. Now is the best time to attack the Jewish division! Take Fengling in one fell swoop and then send troops to the North China Revolutionary Army, which will naturally collapse without fighting! "
Luxor’s face turned red with anger. Who is this? The feeling is that he didn’t suffer from the Chinese revolutionary army. It’s as easy as talking. According to him, the Jewish division is useless, so our 33 rd division is even more useless. “
Luxor cried, "Rodley, you should know that the Chinese revolutionary army is far from being as powerful as the Qing army was 30 years ago, even if the allied forces scuffled with each other a few years ago! If we start to be arrogant now, we will definitely suffer a big loss! “
Rodley disdained, "Luxor, since you are timid, let the 34th division open the way in front of you and cooperate with us. Do you understand? If we have troops to reinforce others, the Chinese Revolutionary Army will not reinforce them? Once their reinforcements arrive there, we will be really sick at that time! Must be now! Attack! "
Rodley made up his mind to make the whole 34th Division move, and the line attack began.
The forces of the two legal divisions, of course, led by the Jewish division, led by two French heavy artillery regiments, began to shoot fiercely.
A cluster of fires rose in Luofengling and smoke immediately enveloped Luofengling.
It has been more than a day since the Jewish division arrived in Luofengling, and the Jewish division has not been idle to build fortifications urgently. At least once the war starts, the soldiers can have more protection.
At present, two heavy artillery regiments of the French army, together with some infantry guns directly under them, are firing. The positions of the Jewish division are constantly ringing with explosions, and soldiers are constantly injured by shells and even killed!
Jory died in a hurry, so he actually started first, and Lao won’t be polite to you!
Cried the heavy artillery regiment tank regiment began to fight back and the two sides fell into a gun battle!
From noon, the two sides fought until late at night, and no one could stand it. The French army was dominant, but it was even more stormy. But what depressed Rodry was that there was no sign of failure in attacking the Jewish division for ten hours, but it was not bad at all!
The two sides temporarily fell into a short period of rectification and waited for a more tragic war to come.
At this time, Yori was also very depressed. Without this kind of fighting, he could not defend himself and attack. Where could he have his own good life? The French army suffered a lot of casualties and the Jewish division suffered a lot!
What the fuck is this called?
Jory shouted, "Someone will immediately send a request to the commander that the army will go to war. We must change the current state and be passively beaten. How can this be done?"
Chapter one thousand three hundred and fourteen A pair of three
It’s a pity that it was not long before the newspaper was sent to Zhang Xiaohuai, and Zhang Xiaohuai came over to give it a good scolding and reprimanding order. It is necessary for the newspaper to strictly observe Fengling and not attack without authorization. If it violates hell to pay!
Jory pouted. What’s wrong with this commander?
But about but know Zhang Xiaohuai army discipline Yan dare not to stroke Zhang Xiaohuai tiger must be disgruntled with defensive deployment copy website access.
But don’t attack, so it’s hard not to live in Yori. Why don’t we just go mountain? Can the mountain take the initiative to attack? It’s always necessary to give them a lesson first!
It’s not bright yet. I’m so angry that I’m about to do it!
The heavy artillery regiment and the tank regiment fired together and launched a rapid attack on the French army. The French army also showed no weakness and immediately returned to the color. The two sides fell in Fengling and launched a fierce battle.
It lasted until noon, when French reinforcements arrived at the 35th Division, and three army divisions together exceeded 50,000!
Yamaori was taken aback. Damn it, there are more and more enemy troops. Fortunately, I didn’t attack rashly after listening to the commander’s orders. If I’m not careful, I’ll fall into the encirclement of three divisions, even if I’m wiped out, I’ll take off my skin!
Jory never dared to be careless again, and carefully began to prepare a one-step plan. The enemy forces are still in the earth, but it is difficult to get rid of the enemy once they are surrounded.
Suddenly, it occurred to me that Zhang Xiaohuai ordered him to stick to his post for two days, and now he only kept it for a day and a half, even if he wanted to retreat, he had to stick to it for two days!
About secretly complain, but now he has come in vain, commander. This is a well-understood situation. I already know the trend of French reinforcements. Now let me stick to it for two days less. It is definitely a preparation for follow-up. Once the deployment is completed, leaving it to the French army is definitely a thunderbolt!
However, the French army obviously didn’t want to leave preparations for the Jewish division. As soon as the 35th division arrived in the phoenix mountain, it began to throw itself into the battle. The three divisions besieged the phoenix mountain, and the artillery fire was more dense and sharp. The Jewish division was caught in a bitter battle this time!


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