After solving the physiological problem, Ouyang Ping honestly hid in the tree horizon and the sky was a fish-belly grey gradually spread. Soon the sun jumped out of the sea with the rising sunrise.

After solving the physiological problem, Ouyang Ping honestly hid in the tree horizon and the sky was a fish-belly grey gradually spread. Soon the sun jumped out of the sea with the rising sunrise.

Ouyang Ping’s nest treetops watched the sunrise once and turned around to find a layer of morning fog rising on the island.
At that time, he was not interested, but the fog became heavier and heavier, and soon he was wet. His thin clothes could not be named, and the fabric was covered with a layer of paste, and it was like a bug. I couldn’t say how uncomfortable it was.
Ouyang Ping suddenly had a brainwave. Isn’t fog the best cover? Is it possible to take this opportunity to escape? Thinking of this, he put his head into the tree.
The fog was heavier than he thought, and the people in the Woods who had been tossing for a whole night couldn’t see it clearly.
Ouyang Ping suddenly gave birth to a tree impulse in his heart, but after careful observation for a while, he felt that it was not right. The fog covered the insect’s line of sight regardless of the enemy and the enemy, and it also blocked his own line of sight. If he was not careful, he might bump into the insect.
It’s better to stay in the tree if you take a risk, but the fog is just a morning. If the fog clears, the chances of being found will soar!
Ouyang Ping’s heart is entangled in this struggle, so don’t make up your mind to slip the tree several times, but they are all put off by seeing the insect people.
It is said that heaven shuts one door but where is the road?
Waiting for the left and waiting for the right, Ouyang Ping suddenly found that the fog had dissipated and he couldn’t wait to leave the tree at once. The problem was that the worm didn’t give him a chance.
In this way, he watched the fog turn into mist, mist and fog-free, and finally he shrank back in despair and never dared to escape his idea again.
The sun rises higher and higher over the plateau, and the appropriate temperature gradually becomes hot. Ouyang Ping, the treetop, is hiding in both places and can bear the enthusiasm of equatorial sunshine abruptly.
It’s really too enthusiastic. The hot sun is like a flaming oven, which makes him hot and sweaty, like he has just been fished out of the water.
He knows very well that if he goes on like this, he will become a mummy!
In order to avoid dehydration, he can quietly pick a coconut and then pick a coconut juice to replenish the lost body fluids … He didn’t count how many coconuts were left and right, and there were twenty or thirty of them to drink until this time of day.
However, it’s no good to drink too much, and the goods in your stomach are rising, and gradually there are signs of breaking the bank.
Ouyang Ping also left a heart to keep all coconut shells around him. Because there was no place to put coconut shells, he also thought of a stupid way to take off his pants and cut them into strips tied with coconut shells to hang trees.
So those who drink all the coconut shells seem to be stunted.
In a flash, it was three poles in the day, and Ouyang Ping drank up another coconut. He was about to release the water, but he accidentally heard a heavy landing not far away.
He immediately became alert and shrank back carefully, but found nothing.
I was going to continue to look up and find that a coconut tree not far away was missing a bunch of coconuts.
This is definitely not his illusion, because he has been observing the surrounding situation all the time, and he knows exactly which trees nearby have coconuts and which trees grow leaves without results.
Is there a string of coconut falling?
Just wondering, I suddenly heard a light sound and several coconuts falling heavily!
Ouyang Ping suddenly saw a swaying leaf with half of it sticking deeply into the bone blade of the trunk!
What a special thing! It’s a coconut drop or a worm picking coconut!
He can’t believe what he has seen and heard. Do people know how to pick coconuts? What do they need coconut for? Are aliens okay with this?
Looking further into the distance, Ouyang Ping found that the insect man had picked almost all the coconuts in the distance. It was only because he got close that he found out and the coconut man was moving here!
Ouyang Ping’s heart has doubled!
You must carefully observe the treetops when picking coconuts. Does this make people live?
Since the eyes watched the worm people coming here, Ouyang Ping simply pulled out his saber and leaned back to cut off a few coconuts.
If you don’t want to be found, you can’t give the worm a chance to observe carefully!
With this in mind, Ouyang Ping cut the coconut tree in one breath and left a few hanging there.
It’s not that he doesn’t want to continue cutting, but that the worm man has reached the tree and cut it again and it will be directly exposed.
The tree bug man looked at the coconut all over the ground in disbelief and looked up at the treetops, just before the coconut fell and hit the bug man.
Worm’s eyes fell to the ground with the coconut, and he hesitated for a moment in confusion, and finally got up and ran away.
Ouyang Ping, the tree of crisis relief, quietly breathed a sigh of relief, but his heart was sad again.
All the coconuts have been cut off. If he stays in the tree, he will die of sun or thirst!
The house leaks when it rains all night. That’s what he said.
While sighing, the coconut tree has been picked up by the worm.
Later, Ouyang Ping suddenly found that there was no insect in the tree, and then he observed that not only the tree but all the places where the coconut was picked up could not find the insect figure!
Call me in the dark. My mother has finally waited for her chance!
Chapter 1165 Curious reason


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