Sun Hao won the annual refining competition, and got 1,600 points.

Sun Hao won the annual refining competition, and got 1,600 points.

Guduo was repatriated.
All of them have entered the second-level refiner and signed up for the promotion assessment.
There are still many gaps in Sun Hao’s physical training and spiritual training. Sun Hao did not sign up.
The attention of the white-collar brother quickly shifted from the shock brought by Sun Hao to the promotion assessment of the Hall of the Soul, and called friends every day to watch the promotion assessment.
Sun Hao’s friend "Elephant King" Zhang Wenmin was qualified for promotion.
Wang Yuan will ask Sun Haoqian to watch the game whenever he plays.
The soul ring is pure and black, and the ancient astronomical phenomena are strong. Zhang Wenmin’s ancestral cultivation skills are solid and he has made great strides. From more than 200 registered brothers, deus ex has advanced into the top ten.
In the top ten battles, he defeated his opponent and successfully advanced to the black collar.
Wang Yuan practiced very hard, but the time was too short. He failed to reach the third stage and failed to meet the promotion requirements. However, he did well in the temple. At the end of the year, Xiao Bi also got 100 credits, laying a solid foundation for the second year of practice.
After Xiao Bi, Zhu Ling and her friends came to Wang Yuan and Sun Hao again to get together and encourage each other again. Only then did they enter the cultivation state and enter the new cultivation plan.
At the end of the year, Xiao Bi Sun Hao shined brilliantly and two black-collared brothers visited together, which greatly enhanced Sun Hao’s influence.
Many white-collar brothers in Qilingdian took the initiative to contact Sun Hao, hoping to integrate into this small group of Sun Hao.
The most diligent running Sun Hao was Duan Dayong, the guy who was almost eliminated from the bottom.
If you have something to do in three days, you will find Sun Hao for guidance.
In the second school year, there were a number of tutors here at Qiling Hall.
The key courses have become "alchemy", but the sword room is still set up with an alchemy room.
The focus of academic year assessment is alchemy.
In the academic year, there are still credit rewards when the refiner enters the second level, but the reward amount has shrunk. The later he enters the second-level refiner, the lower the reward.
The tutor is still led by a master.
The master of alchemy, whose surname is Gu Ming, has been shriveled for a long time, and his face is pale as if a gust of wind could blow away. He also seems to have the strength to speak, and many younger brothers secretly nicknamed him "the sick doctor"
The depressed doctor asked his brothers, and then the next school year was official.
Refiner accidentally lost to Sun Hao Ou Ye and others held their breath in their hearts.
In the middle and later period, Ou Ye looked at Sun Hao with a smile. "Brother Xiao Hao dares to compare and see who is making faster progress in our alchemy?"
Xi Jiguang also walked over to Ou Ye’s side to "count me in"
Sun Hao’s face smiled brightly. "It’s like cheering more than you. I won’t be other people this time."
"Ok, I’ll join in," Ma Huan also said loudly. "No one should fool others and see who is the real genius."
Sun Hao a face of smile.
Go their separate ways and go into intense study.
Everyone has mustered all their strength to meet Sun Hao and see who has higher understanding and faster progress.
Sun Hao shook his head secretly, feeling a little beat children.
The unique cultivation environment of Soul Island has created a unique alchemy.
Here, an alchemist’s soul bead is the main component of an alchemist’s panacea.
There are all kinds of soul beasts living in the sea area near the island of Soul, and these soul beasts will give birth to soul beads.
But unlike the soul beads in the soul forest, these soul beads are full of violent breath, and it is difficult for monks to change their souls.
For thousands of years, after continuous research and improvement, generations of monks have issued a set of unique alchemy, which has made it possible to turn the soul into a violent soul.
Compared with Sun Hao’s mastery of alchemy, there is a program called Huazhu here.
When mixing medicine, it is necessary to distinguish beads, identify the attributes of soul beads, and preliminarily allocate the soul force contained in soul beads.
When collecting herbs and putting them into the furnace, it is necessary to put the main medicine of Soul Beads into the blast furnace according to the different refined Soul Beads.
By analyzing and comparing Sun Hao’s findings, it is found that the alchemy of the Hall of the Soul and the alchemy of Qingyun Gate have their own advantages and disadvantages.
It is not easy for soul beads to be violently used as medicine.
Mixing medicine needs to pay more attention to sealing the furnace, and the pressure is greater. The Hall of Soul has issued a unique method for these two points.
However, it is much rougher to master the alchemy technique than to refine the soul pill.
Soul Dan refining method has some merits.
Sun Hao sinks his heart to learn the new alchemy skills seriously.


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