However, this dark golden dragon fell off thousands of pieces of Long Lin, this Long Lin directly turned into dark golden dragons, which directly integrated into thousands of people’s hearts.

However, this dark golden dragon fell off thousands of pieces of Long Lin, this Long Lin directly turned into dark golden dragons, which directly integrated into thousands of people’s hearts.

After doing everything, it is to take back the dragon. "This will also be regarded as establishing a sect foundation."
In a word, these people have cultivated.
Dark golden dragon gas has controlled these people. These people come from small schools, thunder hill and Xianxia school … all of them are unknown small schools.
What’s the situation of the small Sect? Naturally, there is no cultivation resource and no cultivation achievement method … These people gather their fate and are directly swallowed up by the dragon of destiny, and then control these people, which is to cultivate the imperial talent.
Naturally, this immortal decision is the creation and cultivation of celestial immortal decisions by Imperial Heaven and Shushan, and it is easy to create some simple immortal decisions by robbing this multi-method immortal jade from the celestial world.
Imperial heaven will scatter these people’s spiritual power, which is the practice of these laws.
Shu Shan Jade Qing tactic Shu Shan Qing Jue Shu Shan Tai Qing Jue Shu Shan Jian Fa Shu Shan Jian Jue Shu Shan Yu Jian …
A series of supporting immortals are all created by Lingyu.
Imperial heaven hands behind his back quietly waiting for these people to wake up.
Soon thousands of people have woken up.
These people kneel down to "meet the master!"
The Imperial Heaven nodded slightly and stared at the thousands of people. "You are the younger brother of the Shushan Sword Sect, and other forces behind you have also joined the Shushan Sword Sect. It takes ten years for the Emperor to see the Shushan Sword Sect become the first in the cultivation of immortals."
In a word, these people shouted "obey the master’s orders!"
"Follow the master’s orders!"
When you finish everything, Imperial Heaven walks directly into the hall of Shushan with a wave of his hand.
This arrangement of shushan has told these people that now the imperial heaven has become a leader, a leader of shushan sword school.
A statue of the Great Hall sits at the head of Xuanxiao. "Gong … this Shushan Sword Sect has been established, and only my brother has tens of thousands. Once I practice the martial arts of Shushan Sword Sect, my strength will rise rapidly, but I can’t surpass it. What has this Shushan Sword Sect been established?"
Strange or curious.
Yutian is also a burst of thoughts at the moment, or Yutian doesn’t know what he is doing to establish the Sword Sect of Shushan. Maybe it’s just for fun or because this Shushan is too famous, but now that Shushan has established Yutian, there are some arrangements.
A nine-story devil-refining pagoda slowly flew out in the hands of Imperial Heaven.
"Xuanxiao ….. this is the refined demon tower. In the future, the refined demon tower will increase the strength of shushan as soon as possible, and then slay the demons in the whole cultivation world. Hundreds of millions of demons will seize the refined demon tower and gather together to refine what it will be."
Imperial day light said that the devil tower had flown out of the hall and fell to the back of shushan.
Does Xuan Xiao know "slay the demon?"
In a word, the world of cultivating immortals is also silent, but it is a fusion of the three States of the human world, and it is also a fusion of some fairy mountains and blessed places. This fusion area is about seven States! These seven States are monsters, but perhaps it is a harvest to clean up these monsters.
Xuanxiao thought, but this is not a simple task. Even if Xuanxiao doesn’t want to collect demons, he won’t get much. It takes several years for a sect to complete it.
However, collecting hundreds of millions of demons is also a purpose of the Imperial Heaven to establish the Shushan Sword Sect.
Chapter 226 devil tower
A few degrees in spring and autumn
There is a killing in the cultivation of immortals, and there are few days of calm.
Since the establishment of the Shushan Sword School, the cultivation of immortals has been caught in a fight.
The cultivation of immortals is a place where transvestites and demons … live together! It can be said that there are too many messy things in the cultivation of immortals, and there are frequent racial struggles and wars in this cultivation of immortals.
After only a few years’ silence, the Shushan Sword School showed its strong fighting power.
Demons and ghosts have been miserable these years. Anyone who was discovered by the Shushan Sword Sect was defeated and put into a demon bag.
When several demons are killed, they will still enter the demon refining tower.
The demon-refining tower absorbs several demons and ghosts, gathers several demons and blood, and melts bones into the demon-refining tower to the best of its ability. The demon-refining tower is getting stronger and stronger, and the restraint for demons and ghosts is stronger.
In recent years, monsters are afraid to see the Shushan Sword Sect.
Facing this situation, several schools of cultivating immortals in the world are also horrified, but they dare not move lightly. You know, the strength of the Sword School of Shushan was far beyond imagination when it was established.
The realm of cultivating immortals is the Kunlun Sect, while the Kunlun Sect is the Qionghua Zun Qionghua Sect. No one dares to refute this. These people all know that the Shushan Sword Sect is the founder of the Imperial Heaven. This is the emperor of the human world.
People in the realm of cultivating immortals naturally knew Imperial Heaven. In those days, these people were still within the scope of Imperial Heaven’s blood evil spirit empire.
These people are weak in the face of the Imperial Heaven! It is not easy for a man who can invite Fuxi to fight and defeat Fuxi.
These profound immortal schools dare not provoke the Shushan Sword School, which is also the first immortal school to be ashamed of.
It is also the case that the monsters in the cultivation of immortals are simply pitiful, and they are sent to the demon tower for nourishment on a large scale than being constantly hunted by the Sword Sect of Shushan.
The number of monsters killed in these years is estimated to be hundreds of millions. After all, there are too many monsters in the cultivation world, and there are hundreds of monsters in any forest.
At this moment, the Imperial Heaven stares at the sky from the mountain of Shu, and a chain emerges, which is trapped by a silver-white wolf demon, and this wolf demon is full of murder with a faint anger.
A brother of Shushan slowly waved a dagger, which was connected with the breath and actually controlled the wolf demon.
Imperial day stare at this scene emerge a little surprised "I didn’t think this is a Wolf demon in one thousand! How does this person accept it? "
The faint words fell aside, but the elder who was in charge of the politics of the Shushan Sect quickly replied, "This man is the younger brother of the Iron Pillar Sect, and now he is the younger brother of the Shushan Sword Sect. This wolf demon seems to have some connection with this man!"
Voice down the imperial heavenly heart already knows that this wolf demon is the Moon-eating Emperor Xuandi, which is well-known in the demon world. The number of people killed by the Moon-eating Emperor is even more numerous, but the only way to save a boy is to raise him. I didn’t expect this scene to appear unexpectedly, and Imperial Heaven also took a hint of ponder.
Suddenly a crack appeared in the sky, which slowly expanded to reveal a golden light.
The light turned into a chain, which was thrown directly at Xuandi who ate the moon.
"KaKa cheep … KaKa cheep …"
The moon-eating Xuandi was instantly bound by golden chains, and then a man in a golden robe appeared.
The man appeared in Shushan, full of golden eyes staring at the sky.
A shock in the sky filled the whole body with a soaring momentum, "Demon Emperor!"
Bearer is the demon emperor, that is, the three bodies of the Imperial Heaven and the Imperial Heaven are finished. I didn’t expect the demon emperor to appear here, and I felt the demon emperor’s purpose instantly.
"Ren Huang Imperial Heaven … This month-eating Xuandi is the top ten war generals of the throne. Today, he was countered by a villain to win one favor."


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