"Master Xu, stop praising me. I can scare them without your real kung fu!"

"Master Xu, stop praising me. I can scare them without your real kung fu!"

When they saw the police car coming, the car left Professor Bai’s house, and Professor Bai had found all the herbs she needed and wrapped them up.
Professor Bai also didn’t see a strike for a while. How long did he wake up? He just got well and miscarried. He sighed like a gust of wind.
He took the strike as his granddaughter, and the older he got, the more he hurt his younger generation. In fact, when he went abroad for the strike, he thought that the child was fine abroad and less safe.
It hasn’t been a year since I came back, and I haven’t had a comfortable day after a series of things.
"Master, how are you doing this time? I also gave you pills this time. It’s good for your heart. Remember to eat them on time!"
I’m here today to see the master’s health. He doesn’t practice medicine by himself. Although he pays attention to health, his health is good, but he is old and has some minor heart problems
Professor Bai is a stubborn man, and his father and son became angry because they abandoned medicine and went into business. Later, they wanted Sun to learn from him, but Sun was also an undeserving master, and he was even more reluctant to see his family.
Professor Suobai often calls her to let her spend more time with the elderly.
"Your body should rest more and bother to do this!" Although my mouth says so, I am happy in my heart.
"I’m afraid I’ll send it all at once and you won’t eat it. I’ll send it every few days to wake you up and eat it on time!" Sheng Sheng took Professor Bai’s blood pressure and listened to his heart rate before sitting and talking to him.
Every time I come to the party, I have to rearrange the master’s room. When I want to do it this time, Professor Bai refused to let her go to the party. Seeing that the master insisted, I made a few more dishes that the master loved. Just put them in the refrigerator and heat them in the microwave when the master wants to eat them.
Chapter 415 Worried about a light suit
Ji Nanfeng knows that Zhao Wen intends to kidnap the strike, although knowing that Zhao Wen’s arrest means the strike, I still can’t help but want to go home and see her.
Director Li expected that he couldn’t sit still and personally came to tell him that it was okay to go on strike.
"Your wife is fine. This will be a white house. I have arranged someone to secretly protect her. Just stay here!" Director Li said
"What is Zhao Wen going to do?" Ji Nanfeng gnashed her teeth.
"Although she is a nobody, money laundering is a felony. Before Qinghai was arrested, she had to be cautious about Zhao Wen!"
"Qinghai has lost a backbone, and now Mr. Lu has lost Zhao Wen, a whipping boy. He will definitely sit still, but we promised the international police to jointly solve the case and Qinghai will have to give it to them!" There is regret in Ji Nanfeng’s words. He set up this net to get Qinghai to Qingcheng Mountain to let him die here.
In this way, it is impossible for the root to get lost and let him live in prison, which will defile the land in the prison. Moreover, the international police should be out of the ghost to celebrate the sea and give it to them. He is not at ease.
"I know what you’re holding back. You’re a bureau chief. You’re better than me, director of the bureau. You have to face the director position and do it for you.
Ji Nanfeng was very modest and said, "That’s not possible!"
Director Li was just about to nod his head and say that he was sensible, and the south wind was gorgeous and added, "You don’t have much more salary than me, but it’s better to be a bureau chief now."
Director Li "…"
That’s true. On the importance of giving a good baby.
Qinghai soon learned the news that Zhao Wen was arrested. This woman is really stupid to break the summer strike.
He came to Qingcheng Mountain this time to get the result of Ji Nanfeng and Mr. Lu. I didn’t expect Zhao Wen to drag his feet again, which made him very headache.
And Xiao Su’s appetite is too big. He made a condition, and he told the bosses there.
He and Xiao Su made an appointment to meet one night. When we met for safety, Xiao Suding decided the meeting place, but he informed him half an hour before Xiao Su stipulated, and he would tell him the meeting place at that time. Everything will end.
This time, Qing Hai came to Qingcheng Mountain, and he was ready. Besides his own people, Mr. Fang will also cooperate with him.
Xiao Su sits in the pavilion and drinks tea. In the evening, Shengxiao Mountain Villa is particularly quiet and lush, with dense bamboo forests. Today, the weather is a little sultry, and it is probably going to change.
After a while, it rained cats and dogs, and it was gloomy as if it were going to collapse.
Xiao Su’s legs and feet are inconvenient, and he is not in a hurry to go back and sit here. No matter how big the storm is, it will pass.
He poured himself a cup of tea and continued to drink by himself.
Suddenly, a figure rushed over from the rainstorm. Although Wei An was holding an umbrella, she was wet for the most part because of the heavy rain.
Xiao Su frowned. "What are you doing here?" Although there is no displeasure in the tone, it is not a welcome tone.
Wei’ an has long been accustomed to his attitude and is not annoyed. He came over with a blanket to protect his arms. "I’ll get you a blanket when the weather changes!"
Xiao Su’s leg hurts when the weather changes. If you get cold, it will hurt at night and you can’t even sleep.
She learned a set of acupuncture from Sheng Ge Jie, especially for his leg just got better, and he was most afraid of catching cold.
Xiao Su inadvertently looked up and looked at her forehead, dripping and faintly withdrawing her eyes. "Leave it here!"
Wei An walked over and put a small stone table at his hand. Xiao Su took his leg and made an appointment with Qing Hai. This leg disease cannot be committed.
Wei’ an looked at him and was relieved. "I’ll go back first!"
When I was about to turn around, suddenly a sound came into my ear, "It’s the best place to watch the rain!"
Vivian paused. What do you mean by this? Do you want her to stay?
I was so happy that I asked, "Can I stay?"
Xiao Su saw her surprise expression and gave her a rare smile. "Sit down!"
Wei An rejoiced that Xiao Su sat quietly opposite to see him and found that he was seriously watching the rain outside the hall.
Wei Anshi doesn’t like rainy days, gloomy and depressing days, and hates it to shed tears, but it will feel that the rain is also good.
Crackling rain, dense rain curtain, can’t see the road ahead. Wei An peeked at Xiao Su again and found that he was still looking at the rain outside. Wei An also looked down his line of sight as if the two of them were left in this world.
Wei An knows that Xiao Su and Ji Nanfeng are in business. After all, some things are not suitable for the police to do with Ji Nanfeng. The police profession is doomed to be white and black. Some things are a stain once they are touched.
This combination is dangerous. After all, this time, it was Xiao Su Chu Gong and Qing Hai’s enemy who intercepted his black money. Mr. Lu cut a finger and ruined his business. Qing Hai couldn’t help hating Xiao Su.
When two people meet, there will be a battle. Vian can’t stop it, just as she couldn’t stop Xiao Su from saving the singer’s mother before, so she won’t say it.
She knows very well that Xiao Su likes people to go on strike. She spent more than three years abroad with Xiao April, who went on strike. She knows that she is a good person. She is not jealous at all and regrets that she didn’t know him earlier.
It rained for about forty minutes, and the dark clouds dispersed. The sunset glow the day after tomorrow was gorgeous and red as fire. Neither of them spoke. Xiao Su’s eyes seemed to have stopped in one direction, and she didn’t even move since she sat down.
"Brother Xiao, should I help you back when the rain stops?" Wei An waited for half a day before speaking.


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