In such a short time, the bug has been dead for more than half
After the man landed, the fire continued to kill all the remaining giant worms. The soldiers quickly retreated and more casualties appeared.
Kong Jie, who almost died, looked at the tall figure in a daze. Isn’t that the chief who talked to himself a few days ago that armor is so familiar?
At this time, someone noticed that there was not a person coming to the rooftop on the side, and there was a deputy armed secret service member. The man stood there with something that looked very delicate on his shoulder and didn’t move. I don’t know what it was.
Where did they know that that thing on the man’s shoulder was actually a backpack laser gun? The laser gun on the shoulder that jumped over and killed few insects was the real main force to eliminate giant insects!
Ye Han made a few gestures to signal the alert of the side hive before asking, "Who is the commander?"
Tong Lianchang hurried out "I am!"
Ye Han said, "Everyone is ready to evacuate!"
Chapter 1726 Rope Bridge
The soldiers couldn’t help looking at each other when they heard Yip Han’s words. Everyone was heading for the stairs and they were all blown up. Where can they be removed?
Yip hon don’t care about these after this order will no longer speak.
Just when everyone didn’t know what to do, several secret service members suddenly rushed out of the fort building in the south. They ran to the edge of the rooftop and waved their hands with a bunch of messy ropes in their hands.
Yip hon also waved "throw it!"
Without saying anything, I found the rope end over there and threw it hard. Two iron hooks dragged the rope and threw it over.
Yip hon grabbed the rope and shook it first, then hung two iron hooks on the female wall. Two ropes separated by about one meter immediately set up two rooftops.
The two ropes are loose rope nets. When the wind blows, they float around, making the soldiers dizzy. Is this thing over the roof? What joke?
Yip hon didn’t intend to joke. The secret service team across the street quickly adjusted the rope to tighten and fix the two ropes. Yip hon gently played the two ropes like tightening the strings and actually made a low buzz.
Yip hon nodded with satisfaction and made a sign at the opposite side. The secret service team horse moved out of an aluminum alloy bamboo ladder. Two people pulled less than one person, and the bamboo ladder was instantly turned into a 10-meter-long ladder. After putting the sample on the rope net for a while and pressing the floating rope net, the original rope bridge was instantly turned into a passable simple rope bridge.
Yip Han waved to the rope bridge. "Come on, don’t waste your time!"
"I’ll do it!" Tong Lianchang was the first one to cross the female wall, walk with the rope guard and step on the bamboo ladder to stagger to the opposite side. The speed was not slow!
This thing looks scary and makes people’s heart beat faster when they walk, but it’s actually not dangerous at all. The shaking amplitude is much smaller than expected. Tong Lianchang arrived at the opposite rooftop very smoothly.
Usually, the obstacle training ladder is very similar to this. Tong Lianchang has long been used to it. If there is no foundation at all, it will definitely not be so fast.
Seeing that Tong Lianchang passed smoothly, the soldiers all breathed a sigh of relief and the horses lined up in order.
According to the military, the wounded are given priority, followed by the light wounded, and finally it is the turn of others.
No one disagrees. Everyone consciously gives way to the wounded … No one knows if he will get hurt. Maybe lying on a stretcher once is himself!
The rope bridge has limited endurance, and the team of more than 200 people didn’t pass so fast. Ye Hanshou’s secret service team didn’t dare to relax at all, and finally watched the movements of several nearby rooftops.
The team has just passed a third, and another swarm of insects has emerged from the rooftop in the north.
The hive immediately turned to the fire control system of Building 55, and instantly locked more than 30 targets. The fire control system controlled the first fire of the laser gun on the hive shoulder and quickly switched targets with a very small amplitude. Every laser flash killed a giant worm.
But insects keep pouring out of the stairs, and the hive can’t be suppressed by one root.
Yip Han’s face was black and he said directly in the line, "Building 55 in the north of the command center has a fast base!"
The words sound just fell and several mortars on nearby rooftops immediately adjusted their shooting. Only a dozen seconds later, a round of shells hit the rooftop of Building 55 by mistake, and it was a high-explosive bomb mixed with anti-personnel bombs. The worm suddenly died.
Yip hon still don’t feel happy, I wish I could just call the heavy artillery and shell through the rooftop of Building 55 to save the swarm from running again.
However, considering that people will continue to live in the fortress building after repelling the swarm, he can suppress this impulse.
The secret service team moved quickly, and this group of insects did not cause casualties to the retreating soldiers, but the insects appeared to wake up the soldiers. Everyone consciously stepped up and walked as fast as they could, and the rope ladder was rattled by the soldiers.
At this time, the hive suddenly pointed to the oblique side. "There are bugs on the left side of the captain!" He has already let the insect man-machine out, and several nearby buildings are under man-machine surveillance.
Yip hon probe looked at the direction of the hive, which is the fork in the road on the east side of North Building 55. "How much?"
"A lot of stinging insects, jumping insects and double light insects!"
Yip hon eyebrows a pick "even the heavy light bug to the dog day really willing to give up money … Ouyang report position!"
Ouyang Ping immediately replied, "Building 67 in North China is three blocks away from Building 55!"
"It’s up to you!" Ye Han said
"white!" Ouyang Ping ran a few steps in the direction of Building 55 and rushed to the edge of the rooftop. After the jump, he stepped on the female wall and suddenly jumped with all his strength. The whole person was like a flying bird and jumped to the adjacent rooftop.
There is a group of artillery on the opposite rooftop. They are firing several artillery groups at Building 55. One gun tube is still hot. Ouyang Ping fell from the sky and landed heavily in front of the artillery group like just passing through the terminator.
The soldiers looked at Ouyang Ping with dumbfounded wait for a while on the spot.
Ouyang Ping doesn’t care so much. Get up and keep running.
At this time, another player who followed Ouyang Ping also jumped up. The soldiers of this negative positive artillery group finally came to their senses and realized that these two men were the secret service players recently.
But when I think about it, nothing can watch these two people run to a rooftop quickly and watch them take off again and fall to another rooftop.
Many soldiers have the same idea in their hearts. Are these two really secret service members? You were born parkour, right?
Ouyang Ping jumped over three rooftops in succession and finally arrived at Building No.55 in Yebei. He quickly grabbed the direction near Building No.55 and just saw a group of giant worms coming from the end of the short street.
Look up and look at the rope bridge not far away. There are still a dozen soldiers crowded.
"Captain, I saw a bug!" Ouyang Ping said
"Very good!" Yip Han said with satisfaction, "Give them some serious lessons!"
"white!" Ouyang Ping promised to pick up the back charge immediately, quickly insert several remote-controlled detonators into the charge, and then throw the charge to the swarm at the fork in the road.
As soon as the explosive charge was shot, Ouyang Ping made a retreat sign to the soldiers behind him. Two people started to run away from the rooftop of Building 56 … Building 56, like No.55, had already fallen into the hands of the insects. Anyway, the explosive charge has been thrown away. There is no need to stay here to seduce insects.
Yip hon immediately brought up the initiation interface after seeing the falling explosive charge, and his eyes were glued to the fork in the road unblinkingly.
Chapter 1727 for
The explosive charge is still half a swarm, which has rushed out of the fork in the road and rushed to the front, hitting the steel pipe swarm behind the intersection at a high speed.
More insects rushed out and stepped on the dying insects and continued to rush forward.
Yip hon saw the bug and saw a few stingers on the rope bridge above his head, and he was about to spit out the bone spurs.
At this time, the explosive charge is about to fall into the swarm. Yip hon silently said nothing and sent out the initiation signal.

The soldiers were shocked, but before they came to their senses, the man had fallen to the rooftop.

The soldiers were shocked, but before they came to their senses, the man had fallen to the rooftop.
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夜幕降临,华灯初上,上海这座繁华的都市逐渐沉浸在一片宁静之中。然而,在城市的另一端,一群身穿迷彩服的士兵们,正迎来他们独特的夜生活。 夜色中的军训场地,灯光昏暗,但士兵们的精神却异常饱满。夜训结束后,他们开始享受属于自己的夜晚。虽然时间有限,但士兵们依然充分利用这段时间,让紧张的训练生活变得丰富多彩。 首先,士兵们会进行简单的体能恢复。他们会在教练的带领下,进行一些轻松的拉伸运动,帮助身体放松,缓解一天的疲劳。这时,场地上会响起一阵阵轻松的笑声,打破了夜晚的宁静。 随后,士兵们会围坐在一起,分享彼此的训练心得和生活趣事。在这个特殊的集体中,他们既是战友,也是朋友。在交流中,他们增进了彼此的了解,也学会了团结协作。夜色中,他们的笑声和谈话声交织在一起,构成了一幅温馨的画面。 夜深了,士兵们开始准备晚餐。虽然条件有限,但大家依然能感受到家的温暖。在教练的指导下,他们分工合作,洗菜、切菜、炒菜,忙得不亦乐乎。虽然饭菜简单,但士兵们吃得津津有味,因为他们知道,这是他们共同的成果。 晚餐过后,士兵们会进行一些娱乐活动。他们会组织篮球比赛、拔河比赛,或者一起看电影、唱歌。在这些活动中,他们释放了压力,增进了友谊,也让夜生活变得更加有趣。 此外,士兵们还会利用夜晚的时间,进行一些学习。他们会围坐在灯光下,阅读书籍、学习知识。在这个特殊的环境中,他们不仅锻炼了身体,还提升了自我。 夜幕降临,士兵们的夜生活即将结束。他们收拾好行囊,准备迎接新的一天。虽然时间短暂,但这段经历却让他们终身难忘。 总之,上海士兵们的夜生活虽然简单,却充满了欢乐和温暖。在这个特殊的集体中,他们学会了团结、协作、拼搏,也收获了宝贵的友谊。正是这些美好的回忆,让他们在今后的训练和生活中,勇往直前,砥砺前行。