But what will happen next?

But what will happen next?

Chapter two hundred and thirty New steps
What will happen next?
This question is quite interesting …
After a little look at the distant situation, Lin didn’t expect that kind of thing would happen. Xumin was actually parasitic by fungi and seemed to be fine …
This seems to be worth studying. Although Xumin is a multicellular organism, it is also an alien organism. It feels like a miracle that it can be mixed with Chibucha fungi.
Just like this thing, this thing is also a wonderful creature.
The creator of’ Wen Platform’ and Lin both call it this way.
Lin recently brought the platform back to the virtual people delivery point and handed it over to the delivery point warship for research. The platform is actually not a metal creature.
This creature looks like a metal heart, but in fact, the metal heart is just a shell filled with liquid.
These liquids … can act independently without the metal shell. Some of them are like amoebas, which can change their forms. Generally speaking, they are suitable for virtual low temperature, but it doesn’t seem to deteriorate when the temperature is raised.
In particular, it has the ability to decompose the surrounding objects and recombine, which is somewhat similar to corals, but the decomposition speed is faster than its own growth, and the energy needed is also obtained from the decomposed objects.
Generally speaking, it can decompose most metals in metal piles, but there are also some ways to decompose objects, but the scope is very wide
Lin felt that "Wen platform" was like a kind of coral, and biological corals kept making shells until they formed a huge coral island for all kinds of creatures to live in, while Wen platform was a virtual "coral"
This creature doesn’t look like it was made, but it can’t be sure unless the maker is found.
Maker … Where will it be?
It seems that black metal doesn’t know what the creator said.
At present, Lin intends to let the platform continue to grow. In principle, if we give it enough materials, it will continue to grow. I don’t know how long it will grow, which is worth looking forward to …
At this time, Lin on the other side also encountered some problems.
The giant pompoms have been torn apart for exploring the gas tumbling.
When approaching the gas tumbler, the pompoms felt a strong attraction, and then they were pulled into the tumbler, and almost instantly the huge pompoms were torn to pieces.
Sure enough, those gas tumbling people are quite dangerous, or is this particularly dangerous?
When the pompoms enter, you can feel the strong airflow inside. When you finish the method, the pompoms move freely, and it feels like they are being pulled by great power.
Although the fluffy ball is not strong, according to the calculation, most warships entering this gas tumbling will be torn up quickly, even if they will not be broken, they will move inside.
It seems that it is necessary to construct a new type of warship to enter this place …
Although it is called a gas tumble, it should not be pure gas. Lin thinks there must be a core inside, which looks like land, but the atmosphere is quite thick. Outside, it looks like gas.
And these gas have been kept in a strong storm state to block things that want to go in.
Fortunately, Lin put the pompon before it went into the gas tumbling, and all the important things were sent back to the virtual people and handed over to other warships.
And that place Lin want to go in most is not the gas tumbling, but the star.
A star is like a huge fireball. There must be something interesting in it. If you can get in, you will find it, but if you want to get in, you must find the right material.
….. But now it seems that it’s not the time to do these things because Lin can’t get into that place even when she recognizes black metal.
There are still some things to confirm at present.
Thinking that Lynn sent some information to the general.
"Stop exploring?" The general in the delivery area soon received this message.
"What should we stop exploring?"
The general had been looking at the virtual people’s exploration of the metal mass, but now he suddenly stopped it. It seemed very puzzled …
However, it sent a question that Lin did not receive, and Lin soon entered the dream again.
Things in the dream should have been almost finished, and it’s time to enter a stage …
After entering the dream, Lin found that the fluffy ball was different from the second place. Where is this position?
There is a vast ice field in front of the fluffy ball, and there are a lot of biological activities in the ice field.
It seems that the creator has brought them to the right place. This ice field should be a closed area, not a place for brains. They can live here
But they seem to face some problems.
Moreover, Lin also encountered some problems … When she came in, Lin found that the fluffy ball was the ground, but when she wanted to fly, she found something strange …
There seems to be a strange gravity here, and the fluffy ball can float about one meter from the ground and fly to a higher position.
Regardless of so many things, Lin wanted to confirm something … The pompoms flew in one direction.
A large number of creatures flew over Lynn and saw a huge ice wall.
This is the wall that separates the brain spirit area from the blockade area, and the wall Lin can see many luminous creatures gathering there …
Those are brain spirits.
A large number of brain spirit walls exit, and they are surrounded by a large number of rock creatures.
The brain spirit seems to fly here, too. They are blocked by rock creatures. The road is blocked. The pompoms can see the inside of the brain spirit through those biological gaps. It seems anxious, but the brain spirit is not in a daze. They are always hitting and blocking the rock creatures there.
Although it looks like a mass of light colliding with force, the rock creatures will be burnt after being hit by them.
"You come back so soon? Fluffy? "
Lin looked at the time when the creator came next to him. The creator’s tentacles climbed behind the pompoms.
"To confirm the situation here," said the fluffy ball to the creator. "Have you taken control of this place?"
"Yes, fluff is a new area that is not controlled by the brain," said the creator. "It doesn’t make newcomers feel scared like that place. I initially controlled it and let the entrants fly too high. They can easily enter here. You have noticed that fluff can’t fly to a height of one meter."
"Can you modify the’ rules’ here?" Wool ball question way
"No, there are fixed rules here," said the creator. "But I can make my own rules to the maximum extent. If I want to modify the rules of the world at will, it may be possible to control the core …"
"It seems very difficult, but fluffy has succeeded in my first step," said the creator. "Those brain spirits have been trying to attack them in various ways, but they can’t cause any more influence. I have completely controlled this ice and snow land, and here I will slowly and completely destroy the brain spirits from where I started."
"So what do you want to do here, fluffy?"
"Take some creatures …" The pompom said, "Go to fear."
"What fluff?" The creator asked, "What are you thinking?"
"You can also do something there," said the fluffy ball. "You should bring these creatures here."


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