

After walking out of the cabin, Jinfeng said, "Xiaoyu, this is my fief. You can walk around at will. I can’t accompany you for the time being. I’m blessed with my aunt."
"Is it uneasy here?" Yu Long has some concerns.
"No!" Jinfeng said, "Some people want Fubo to die here, and all the people are safe except Fubo. Of course, if you have Dark Phoenix, don’t provoke them."
Dark Phoenix?’ Long Yudao: "At first, when I passed through the Wutong forest outside, those Dark Phoenix were full of murderous look."
"That’s my elder sister tribe-!" Jinfeng confessed, "Remember never to go out of my sphere of influence …"
I know that Xifeng, I’m just browsing and will be back soon, "said Yu Long.
Rong Niang’s cultivation of the realm is also better than Jinfeng’s. Later, she was possessed by distractions and hurt her body meridians. In recent years, many treatments have failed. If it was not for Fu Bo, she came to life and helped her to continue her life. I am afraid that she would not be able to live at this moment.
Even so, her situation is not optimistic.
What can save her now is the Phoenix Family Treasure Phoenix Order.
Of course, we are 100% sure if we are not sure yet.
However, there must be one percent hope that Fobo will do his best.
Jinfeng is also worried when she stays outside the door. Rong Niang is her aunt and the best relative of the whole phoenix nest. She sincerely hopes that Rong Niang can be cured.
Yu Long walked casually in the Indus forest and walked away unconsciously. There was no building except trees, even wooden houses. He felt that he was going to go back, but just then he heard a leisurely walk not far from the forest.
Out of curiosity, he walked along the tone, but he saw a wooden house hidden in the forest ahead. When he approached the wooden house, the tune stopped immediately and the door was left unlocked. Yu Long hesitated and saw that the room was dark.
Yu Long slightly hesitated a plan to leave here because this cabin is very strange.
"There is a strong smell of phoenix-!" Rowling seems to have detected some information.
"Who is it?" Yu Long secretly strange.
"Forget it. Curiosity will kill the cat. I’d better go-!" Yu Long is going to leave here or stay out of trouble.
But just as he turned around, there came a very tempting force in the wooden house. Yu Long just wanted to walk and couldn’t move his foot.
"Let’s go in and have a look?" Perhaps Yu Long’s mind changed immediately because of that force.
Want to know after Yu Long no longer hesitate shape suddenly flashed in the door gently with just steady when she heard a seductive voice inside "so be careful what to do? You damn fool, you cheat on every date as if we were doing something shameful. "
What’s going on when Long Yu stays?
He didn’t understand the state, so he felt a burst of fragrance coming at a satiny and delicate body. When he touched Yu Long’s body, he gave a touching groan and whispered, "You damn fool, it’s good for me to wait. Your recent surge in capability can’t even cover up the phoenix breath. It seems that I didn’t hurt you in vain …"
Yu Long is even more depressed after hearing what the woman said.
What’s all this about? He swore that he never knew this woman.
The light in the room is dim, and it is strange that he can see the situation clearly with his eyesight.
The woman’s little hands kept kneading in Long Yushen, and there were some sensitive places. It took a while to make Yu Long’s blood gas surge up all over.
Obviously, this is an affair
The other party obviously mistook one for another.
He took it for granted that he couldn’t see each other clearly, and he couldn’t see each other clearly either, so he mistook one for another, and he was sure that the person she was dating must also be a phoenix man
Yu Long was in a state of confusion, and suddenly his body tightened. It turned out that the woman’s hand had touched him firmly, and at the same time, his clothes were instantly turned to ashes when touched by the woman’s palm.
He kept telling himself that he couldn’t do this, but somehow there was another force controlling his mind, and the woman’s mouth was wandering around him, and she was still talking and moaning. Don’t look at Yu Long, who had sex with women for a long time, but it was his first experience like this.
At the moment, he felt that he was covered in a piece of Shu Bi Yu Long, and the whole person seemed to be dreaming. The woman’s initiative to tease has already made him soar.
The woman obviously giggled at Yu Long’s physical changes. "Hehe, you are finally emotional. I still think you are the great saint …"
Said the woman simply stroking and licking harder.
Long Yule had to close her eyes and enjoy the women’s clothes. Soon, it seemed that her hands hooked Yu Long’s neck and put the strong twin peaks on Yu Long’s chest and kept rubbing.
At this time, Yu Long’s eyesight gradually became clearer. Although the light around him was still very dark, he could already vaguely see the woman’s figure. He could not say in his heart with his hands holding that pretty ass.
"You damn fool touch me. I don’t see you so reserved on weekdays. What happened today?" The woman took the initiative to pull Yu Long’s hand and pressed it on his chest.
Long Yu once received such treatment and then vigorously grasped it.
"You damn fool, you make people chuckle and twist more happily. Yu Long took advantage of the fact that the woman looked up and instantly saw her sample. This woman is not bad but beautiful, especially a pair of eyes that are surprisingly fascinating. At this time, her cheeks are pink and exhaling, which adds more charm.
The soft looked at Yu Long’s hand to touch Yu Long’s face and put his mouth to Yu Long’s ear. Since you and I are both emotional, why don’t we just … "And she licked Yu Long’s earlobe with her soft pink tongue.
"Master, this is a very powerful phoenix …" Rowling woke up in Yu Long’s mind.
Yu Long seems to be awake. He is almost conscious of pushing the woman, but the woman is charming and laughs. A pair of small hands have already touched the sensitive area of the small abdomen. Long Yu’s body is more nervous than the physical force and naturally swims up.
That woman burst into a smile. What are you nervous about? First time? No way. I think you’ve already lost your virginity. You should be an old hand in love, right? "
This is a Yu Long feel strange.
From now on, he has always felt that women regard themselves as others, but from the previous sentence, women seem to know their identity
"Who the hell are you?" Yu Long asked.
The woman paused and then knew that she had revealed the clues.
"Hey hey-!"
The woman smiled vaguely. "Little friends, you care who I am. Let’s be happy first, and then I won’t harm you …" When she spoke manually, it was not slow at all, but more intense.


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