Generally speaking, this kind of emergency dispatch should be given to the chief reporter, but Miss Dai Lan has made such a big news recently. Maybe everyone has been killed by an assassin, so she is forced to go to Miss Pale Purple in order.

Generally speaking, this kind of emergency dispatch should be given to the chief reporter, but Miss Dai Lan has made such a big news recently. Maybe everyone has been killed by an assassin, so she is forced to go to Miss Pale Purple in order.

The light purple soul is a sable. Although the fur of the sable is not purple, her long hair is highlighted with violet, and the logo color of her body is also purple-now she is wearing a purple and white short skirt, a little nervous and long legs.
Not surprisingly, she will be the new chief executive after this time.
If you put it in front of Pale Purple, you will definitely get excited and can’t sleep at night. There is a high probability that you will go to a bar and get drunk … But now Miss Dylan will expose these secrets when she will feel cold and scared.
Light purple can finally realize what a reporter is, but there must be a "succession order" and it will change at any time every month … This is all because the chief reporter can be afraid to kill them urgently when he moves something he shouldn’t, or loses value and bears a huge risk of leaking secrets.
There won’t be any time in the new chief executive’s position. All workers can take over the new chief executive immediately. To keep their jobs and status, they need to learn a lot of knowledge immediately and urgently-people don’t have so much energy to think when they are busy.
It can be said that they should have this awareness. Even the reporters of Tianen Daily are not sacred. The chief reporter has never had any handle. It is because Xiao Liuli stayed in this position for too long, did too well, and gained too much fame that they all forgot this common sense.
Now Dylan doesn’t know life and death … She has become a new tool and a brand-new sacrifice.
But what can she do?
Now that the hairdressers of Qunqing are missing and the aid societies are in a mess, who can come and stand up for them?
Or … Is it because the masses really recognize that "the chief reporter" is a "big shot" who also needs their help?
-or will they be the chief reporter directly by default? These girls are all high-level playthings of Tianen Daily, licking dogs?
Light purple self-deprecating smile.
She quietly looked out of the window.
Ampoule Biomedical Helicopter They flew to the same place almost in parallel, and they planned to stop at the top of the company, while the medical team had lowered their altitude and planned to hover directly to the second floor of the wounded hospital.
At this time, light purple suddenly heard a gun-
Even if it is so far away, even if it is through the helicopter glass, even if the helicopter is making a huge roar, even if the crowd is making a panic sound …
But it was clearer than a gun, and all the sounds were suppressed in an instant.
Her good professionalism made her get up at the first time and look over.
Just for a moment, she found the fire man accurately, and with the zoom and focus of the prosthetic eye, the scene clearly sneaked into the pupil.
Only then did she realize that it was not a common pistol-it was an automatic rifle sound.
It’s different from the sound in the game. It’s so loud and thunderous.
The gun flashed blue streamer, and there was a data cable behind it, even the young man’s collarbone.
The advanced intelligent weapon ballistic auxiliary system helps the young man to stimulate the 30 rounds of ammunition in one breath and in a few seconds even if his roots don’t stop after pulling the trigger … He has no muscle, no shooting experience and no ability to control the recoil. He can also "automatically control the gun" and forcibly control the muscles to ensure that none of the bullets miss the target.
In order to ensure that the young man can be controlled, he didn’t play too powerful-he didn’t have any physical reinforcement and no prosthetic body. He looked thin and short and seemed to be a threat to people.
So he can quietly squeeze into the front of the crowd without being noticed.
But the light purple helicopter can see clearly … Even if this ordinary bullet is a shuttle, it makes him show a painful gesture. It seems that it is because of a torn muscle and a bone problem. Light purple immediately realized that this person is not a professional assassin … I am afraid it is a real middle school student.
Generally speaking, after the assassination is successful, this assassin will tend to examine the body, or mend the knife … or just stay in place, or symbolically hide back. A little more sophisticated will directly kill himself and directly shoot himself in the head without giving the grace group a chance to search for memories.
But this child seems to have been commanded by someone-without hesitation, he pulled out the data cable from himself and lost the gun directly.
Then a bow quickly got into the shocked crowd.
He came short and disappeared from the crowd in a flash, and his hat, mask, coat and sunglasses were all taken off in turn, and finally the whole person seemed to melt.
Suddenly, the incident happened, and Zigen didn’t come to shoot the camera, but fortunately, her prosthetic eye has the functions of zooming, focusing and stealing photos, and she is normally started and deleted regularly, so it just happened to take all this.
The cameraman next to lavender gave her a sudden push and said excitedly, "Go quickly-you should have taken it, right?"
"I took …"
Her consciousness should way
But the light purple moment suddenly produced a hesitation.
….. You shouldn’t put this stuff out?
She has rich experience and can guess at a glance that this child is definitely employed by someone, mostly a board member, or she will not be able to take out such advanced weapons and escape so easily. According to the experience of light purple, this child will probably be silenced soon … Finally, a psychological diagnosis and treatment report that he is "psychologically depressed" and "mentally abnormal" proves that he wants to shoot others because of his interest.
But netizens don’t understand this kind of thing-or they can, but they don’t want to.
They will know that some of these students who are demonstrating outside have assassinated Comb Tooth, and now people have a wide expectation, which means that people will cast hatred on those students. Even if someone explains that there must be a misunderstanding and conspiracy, people will not care.
Because they are full of dissatisfaction with these people.
On the other hand, the students were inexplicably pressured by public opinion, but at the same time they were very white that they did not do it.
Plus those fleeing adults, they will realize that they have fallen into the trap, but they will not bend but will become more extreme … These ignorant, naive and stupid students will become the best chess island to stir up opposition and hatred disputes with a little help from the black hand behind the scenes.
What will happen in that case?
No one will note that the focus of the disappearance of Qunqing hairdressers has become "robbing the factory freemen in the city". They used to be a very small number, but now they will be attacked by the whole island of happiness, but at the same time people will attack them because they are all "children" and students-that is to say, they all have a pair of parents and two pairs of grandparents.
There are an average of six people behind everyone, and this wave of power will make them fall into the wind, so they are not so easy to be wiped out, and it is not easy for the executive department to attack these people by violence … A little guidance can also be extended to attack the freemasons.
As a result, the grace group will be restricted, these students will be attacked by overwhelming remarks, people will be guided to pay attention, the Rotary Club will be secretly discredited, and people will lose their trust …
Who will ultimately benefit?
In a flash, light purple can think of this step, and her thoughts stop because she doesn’t know what will happen after that.
But she can’t stop it from happening.
Don’t say that she is not the chief reporter now, even if she is-her reporter’s duty is to report the truth, even if it is behind the scenes, she must objectively say it, otherwise she will lose her value.
Besides, even if she keeps silent, there are not a few people who come to see this scene quietly from the media, so many people always have a few cameras … and the network security camera keeps watching everything.
Pale purple can tremble slightly.
She was silent, not wanting to refuse, but feeling confused.
What else can I do …
But at this moment, in the bustling crowd, people are watching in horror, and employees are angry and fearful.
I ate a shuttle of rifle bullets and brushed my teeth, but I still didn’t fall
He staggered back a few steps, covered in blood, but his eyes were bright.


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