He struggled to get up and saluted with a wry smile. "Brother Li Xun is …"

He struggled to get up and saluted with a wry smile. "Brother Li Xun is …"

"Master brothers!" Ji’s quick reaction is as sharp as her temperament, pointing to the core point.
Li Jue-fang felt a sense of crisis like acupuncture all over her body and felt a lot better when she disappeared in an instant.
"Oh, that’s really sorry!" Smile is no longer as unpredictable as it was just now, but becomes real.
She took a few empty steps and came to Li Xun’s side like a surefooted one.
Maybe it’s psychological or something really strange. Li Xun thinks that her spirit has all converged, and now he smells a faint fragrance.
"Did you get hurt just now?" Asked Ji
Now some teachers have softened a lot from the atmospheric sound, which makes her sound more pleasant.
She reached out to touch Li Xun’s forehead, but Li Xun was shocked and stepped back. "Brother is lucky!"
"Lucky? Not shy! " Ji chuckled at his appearance.
Now she is another kind of emotional smile, which weakens the sharp outline, tightens the lines and relaxes another kind of tolerance, like the cool breeze blowing into people’s hearts in spring and autumn.
Li Xun blushed and bowed her head to dare not look at her.
Even he doesn’t know whether this appearance is true or false.
When in close contact, Li Xun once again realized the beauty of Ji. When he saw Ji’s hand, he felt that it seemed to be carved from cold jade and crystal clear.
That’s why he regretted it as soon as he retired. I wonder what it would be like to be covered with this hand on his forehead. The thought just started again, and this uncle Ji’s eyes are so good that she can’t see it!
So his heart fluctuated several times in a row that even he felt a little ashamed. He looked up and wanted to be ashamed of himself, but when he looked up, he met the other person’s eyes shining like the morning star
Involuntarily, his face, which was slightly better, suddenly turned red again.
What a strange thing!
By the time Li Xun returned to her former state, she had buried the dead fish on the shore.
Only then did he know the reason why he had just been taught a lesson.
It turns out that the seclusion around this pool is a good place to rest and meditate. When you first discover this mountain, you often come here to have a rest and have feelings for it.
This time, when she came back from a long trip, she thought about taking a short rest here. I didn’t expect to see a man on the shore with a fire and grilled fish, so it was natural to punish him.
If she hadn’t read it, it might be that the students of the same family had just hit the first blow and could have made Li Jue’s face completely embarassed, how could she use the magic tactic again?
Finally, Ji added, "I saw an old friend when I first met you!" It seems that the shots are also heavy. "
"Old friend?" This is by no means the first time that Li Xun heard this remark. Qing Xu said that Qing Yin also said that Ji said that it was a coincidence once, twice and the third time. Is it still a coincidence?
He remembered the day when Qing Yin sat and forgot to explore his life, and he was even more puzzled and blurted out, "Who do I look like?"
I didn’t expect his reaction to be so great that I was dazed for a moment.
Li Jue reacted, and quickly turned his head and confessed that Qingxu and Qingyin had said something similar, and then he showed a confused face. "The three immortals all said that I looked like someone. Am I reincarnated?"
Wen Wen’s heart said, "How can you take it for granted that there are many people who are similar to each other, even among monks?"? And this person is still alive and well, and he is a miraculous figure in this world. Do you want to replace him? "
Li Xun asked nervously, "Who is it?"
Ji’s eyes turned a circle, and his face smiled brightly but he didn’t say anything.
Li Xun’s attitude is that she can smile apologetically no matter how anxious she is.
Li Xun is also unusual after all. After confirming that this familiar face will not bring trouble to himself, he quickly put it behind him.
Everything is back on track. Li Xun can finally talk to Kun normally.
He’s just an eye-catcher. It’s not strange that people have recovered their spirits and met Ji at this time, so they will try their best to make Ji leave a good impression on him.
On the one hand, he does have a good impression on Ji, on the other hand, Ji is also the only person in the mountain besides Lin Ge who can show him how to learn. Who should he curry favor with if he doesn’t curry favor with her?
Of course, the so-called buttering-up is not annoying like the common people, but skillfully taking out a few deep problems encountered in practice and asking the great expert for advice.
Few teachers don’t like hard-working brothers. Although Li Xun is not a brother, I think she should be no different from the world in being a good teacher.
In particular, when Li Xun has problems, he often takes a different approach. He has a smart spirit and has a different taste when he thinks about it carefully.
It didn’t take too long for such a question and answer to become a comparison between Li Kun and Li Kun.
Although the question is beyond the scope of Li Xun’s knowledge, after all, it is far-reaching and condescending to ask questions with complicated ideas, which is by no means an ordinary question.
If it were someone else, it might really be stumped, but Li Xun is just the kind of person who can solve difficult problems and loves to solve them. His unique deduction method has been honed for months, but it is not what it used to be.
Of course, it will take a while to say no, but it won’t happen before you know it. This quiet place is already dark, and the two of them have chatted for a long time and hit it off surprisingly.
Or should I first stop her from erasing the strange lines on the ground and then say, "That’s all for today. I’m going back to my evening class!" Well said so long seems to forget one thing … "
"I didn’t make a gift to you!"
"How can this be!" Li Xun hurriedly jumped up "and you just said ShiShu …"
"I mean to pay the’ ceremony’!"
Ji deliberately added a word "Li" to make Li Xun wonder "Li?"
Ji smiled. "You can also practice the flying method of the imperial sword!"
Li Jue scratched his head and replied awkwardly, "I can’t find a suitable sword."
It is true that he doesn’t have a sword now, but it is a lie to say that he can’t find it
There are at least five or six driving swords suitable for his level in Lin Ge’s collection, but Lin Ge didn’t dare to take them without him.
It’s not that Lin Ge’s people are stingy, but this person has always been tired and lazy. Even though the mentoring is still harmonious, he won’t always worry about trivial things such as what the apprentice lacks and what he needs.
Li Xun is always cautious and careful, and he doesn’t want to disturb the master and apprentice who are on the right track because of some things, so the sword cultivation is so delayed.
Ji-yi, Li Xun couldn’t help but be overjoyed to hear what she said. Isn’t that to send a sword?
That’s exactly what happened.
I can’t see her at the edge of the pool, as if she were in the middle of the pool. Suddenly, the water waves fluctuated and the waves surged, and the fish were scattered and fled. It seemed like another fountain in the pool.
Li Xun’s sharp-eyed eyes can see at a glance that there is a sword with a scabbard slowly floating in the center of the current vibration.
With a stroke of his hand, the sword flew over and fell into her palm.
At this time, Li Xun saw the complicated and abstruse lines of the scabbard.
The shape of this sword is simple and there is no decoration. The scabbard is blue-gray and not very conspicuous, but the grain turns. In the eyes of this expert, Li Xun has his own beauty that needs to be studied carefully.
The expression on Ji’s face holding this sword is also quite subtle. "The name of this sword is’ sapphire’. When casting this sword, the sculptor rarely sacrificed the spirit jade to this sword soul, but at one time, the jade smoke covered the sword body. Because the sword soul failed, this sword entered the famous sword forest."
With that, she drew her sword and the blade was only half a foot exposed, and it was cold and new.


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